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Why would the girl in dating tell me this??


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You may need to address this with a doctor whether it's psychological, physical, situation-related, etc. However, her beating you up about it and therefore justifying getting it elsewhere is making things 100x worse. She is extremely emasculating...and that certainly can't be helping. Why don't you date someone else..maybe you would have better results?


Never really thought about going the doctors. 6 months ago I had a friends with benefits and I had no problems getting an erection with her, we had sex multiple times. After that ended back in late October last year I haven't had sex since and ever since have been masturbating to porn twice sometimes even up to 3 times a day but mostly 2. I think therefore porn has completely messed me up. I went a week I think without porn or masturnstion but broke the cycle when I masturbated twice over the past 2 days so I'm back to square one.

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So porn strikes again.


Leave yourself alone for 2 weeks and see what happens. Don't watch porn and don't rub one out no matter what. I am sure you can keep your hands off yourself for 14 days right?


Seriously you need to lay off and start enjoying a real woman again.




Completely agree. On day 1 now. This will be a true test of whether she is willing to wait and wants me despite the lack of sex. If not then I think that's pretty poor on her part and good riddance.

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Completely agree. On day 1 now. This will be a true test of whether she is willing to wait and wants me despite the lack of sex. If not then I think that's pretty poor on her part and good riddance.


I think your body is trying to tell you what a part of your mind knows about her.

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If you want an exclusive relationship, stop pretending to be ok with an open relationship. If you want her to wait for you while you fix your erectile problems, ask her if she will. If it bothers you that she had a one night stand and/or that she talks to you about it, say so. If you want to know why she told you about it, ask her why. Maybe she just wanted to share her experience with you as a friend, which is totally plausible, or maybe she had other intentions behind it. Start being honest with yourself and her, and don't be led by fear of what the answer will be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well. When I confronted her about it (the topic of this thread) she understood and didn't do it again.


Anyway a few weeks later she sent me a snapchat of her in a car with a guy saying 'guys with cars' and a laughing emoji. She knows I can't drive so I took this as her trying to make me jealous again as if the underlying message was 'you've got competition'


I ignored her for a while but she would constantly message me and eventually got to the point where she was saying if you don't want to talk to me anymore can you please just say?


Eventually I confronted her and told her how I was feeling about the whole thing. I told her that I was tired of her games trying to make me jealous (and referenced the car thing) and I told her how I felt like it wasn't really going anywhere (for multiple reasons) and that I was thinking consequently we shouldn't see each other anymore.


We had a talk, cleared s lot of things up and about the car thing she said she wasn't trying to make me jealous at all and would never do that as she's not that kind of person. She asked to give it 1 more go to see how it goes and I accepted.


We went on a date yesterday, lasted a few hours, basically had our own little picnic in the park with music and laid in the sun. It was her idea and she put her arm around mine am when we met. Anyway on the way home I went to hold her hand but she said she doesn't like holding hands because she needs both arms free to maintain proper balance.


We hug and kiss upon departure and s few hours after the date she texts me telling me she doesn't feel

Passionate about me as she once did because the whole conversation I had with her almost calling it off, saying I felt It wasn't going anywhere and most importantly I accused her of trying to make me jealous which she didn't like.


So now I think it's over and I feel

Depressed. I've Bren on dates with 3 people over the course of 9 months and I felt like this one was truly going to be going somewhere when we first met because the connection was really big. I can honestly say too I've never experienced being with someone who was so open about how attractive, cute and sexy I was before at all. I felt like she thought I was the sexiest guy she's seen the way she talked about me and considering I see myself as average that brought me closer to her


Basically I ed it up by having the conversation accusing her of making me jealous and expressing my feelings that it wasn't going anywhere which made her lose the interest she had in me when in reality I still really like her and wish we were still dating.

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Basically I ed it up by having the conversation accusing her of making me jealous and expressing my feelings that it wasn't going anywhere which made her lose the interest she had in me when in reality I still really like her and wish we were still dating.


Do you really buy that? She found someone else and she wasn't sure where things would go with him when you objected to her dumb head game. So she strung you along until she closed the deal with him, and then she played the indignancy card to shut you down.


The only thing you did 'wrong' was mess with this woman in the first place.


Advice from grandma: "The problem is not that snakes will cross your path, they will. The problem comes when you're too lacking in self respect to avoid picking up the snake to play with it."

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Do you really buy that? She found someone else and she wasn't sure where things would go with him when you objected to her dumb head game. So she strung you along until she closed the deal with him, and then she played the indignancy card to shut you down.


The only thing you did 'wrong' was mess with this woman in the first place.


Advice from grandma: "The problem is not that snakes will cross your path, they will. The problem comes when you're too lacking in self respect to avoid picking up the snake to play with it."




I was in the park today sitting on the grass and one hour into my chilling she and her female friend happened to walk by, she noticed me while I had my back turned and came up and sat beside me to my surprise and got talking to me. ( I had no idea they were there)


Her friend went for a drink in the nearby cafe while she stayed with me and she asked if I wanted to cuddle to which I just said "if you want" we cuddled for about 10 minutes, asking me date type questions getting to know me like asking about my parents and stuff.


Then she asked if I wanted to come around for dinner. I said why not but I'm not sure if she was serious or not as she didn't say when and I didn't bother asking so looks like it'll just be another case of something she suggests doing but never happens.


This was after telling me she no longer wants to date anymore and she wants to still be friends. I told her I don't want to be just friends though so she's messing with my feelings again it seems.... Confusing. In my opinion friends don't cuddle in public and subsequently invite each other over for dinner..

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