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good looks vs average


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No - it's not all the media. These are ancient urges. Women with a beautiful body, and large breasts look more fertile to men - they look like they can make more babies. Thus, more attractive.


Why are women attracted to men with muscles? Also ancient instincts. We want men who look like they can kill a mastadon and drag it back to the cave for us to cook.

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Personally, I do not like women with over-sized breasts... I much prefer women who are proportionally sized.... Small-frame/size, smaller breasts... Bigger frame/size, larger breasts, but not so big they over shadow the woman herself...


I have always liked women who have some quirk about them... For example, Mary Stuart Masterson or Annabeth Gish... There are others, of course, but I just have this thing for women who aren't drop-dead gorgeous or some supermodel-fakey... I'm sure that has a lot to do with how I see myself, but that's just me.... Most of my guy friends kid me about my taste, and that's okay by me....... ;-)

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Ummmm, that goes back to the B.C. ages where the women had big boobs to feed the offspring and I don't really know about the rest of the body lol.


Anyways I have my own question kind of relating to this:


Are girls attracted to skater hair (not that long just goes over ears and over forehead), do they think it looks hot on guys?

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First off I think a lot of it has to do with taste. For some reason most of the women I think are truly beautiful often have small breasts. Now I am not going to lie and say that I don't like a woman who takes care of her body but breast size is not that important to me. I may be biased since I am a bit of a health nut so it is a huge turn off to be with a woman who does not care about her body. Probably the same way that a animal lover would not be attracted to a fur coat wearer.


I doubt this will help but as I get older I focus less on looks than when I was in college. I can only speak for myself but a hot body and a dull mind and superficial personality get old real quick. I have fallen for many average looking girls that have amazing personalities, even if there was not a strong initial attraction I wound up thinking they were beautiful. When you start considering spending the rest of your life with someone then the looks start to not be so important.

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Well first of all there are certain body parts that men are interested in probably the most common are breasts, booty and legs. If you look at your question then you should realize ur asking an fairly obvious question, if she already has a beautiful body and big boobs. Most men are going to look at her or give her attention. However there are men out there who dont like the stereotypical things that society seems to idolize. You are asking a question where you are going to get a multitude of answers but it pretty much comes down to that she is nice to look at meaning she may have few external flaws.

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I agree with everyone else. Not everyone is attracted to the same female, but often times guys look at certain body types as being more "attractive" than others.


Again though, every male is different and every male has different opinions on what they find attractive. Physical beauty is important, but there are plenty of males that look for other attractive characteristics beyond the way a girl looks. There are a ton of very beautiful women with the worst personalities ever, and they do seem less attractive than the average girl with a shining personality.


So, really the girl with external beauty will probably get the first glance and even pursued because of the way she looks, but eventually, it comes down to the way two people connect.

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So, really the girl with external beauty will probably get the first glance and even pursued because of the way she looks, but eventually, it comes down to the way two people connect.


Exactly. External beauty will only go so far, its the inner beauty that is truly important. Looks are subjective, what one person is attracted to another won't be. Everyone is beautiful in there own way. It's been my experience that the most beautiful people I've always noticed their heart and inner beauty first. That inner beauty then shines on the outside.

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Well, u have a choice?


Do u want: Brad Pitt, David Beckham, Leonardo DiCaprio, some dark tall handsome model etc.




Mr average, Mr ugly, Mr average, Mr ugly etc?


Personaly, what do u prefer? Honestly?


Personaly for myself, I think i like a mixture of girls. Yes i like the good looking ones. But lots of the girls I believe are attractive, many guys I ask their opinions don't see what I see in them. thereforeeee I think half the girls I like are pretty and half are average. Yes im tempted by volumptious girls, so yes, big boobs (but I can still go out with a girl with medium/small boobs), but also bigger behind, and again, many people I ask their opinions of the girls butt will tell me its "too big" or plain "its fat". As far as im concerned tho, its hot. So if u believe u are just average, don't. Cause there are guys out there that think your hot!


If u want to blame somebody though, blame society. Talking about society and looks, the man has a raw deal there as well:


Beauty aids for women these days e.g. make up, mascara (how u spell? ), eyelash extensions, lipstick, moisture cream, perfumes, glitter, piercings, sexy underwear, wonder bras, wonder bum, plastic surgery (much more socially excepted for women in terms of boobs, butt, face), fake tan and sun beds (much more more socially excepted for women).


Beauty aids for guys these days e.g. moisture cream, aftershave, fake tan ( for guys buying that), sunbed ( for me when I use one), sexy underwear?, plastic surgery (does not work permanently for the penis, least I don't think, and if someone found out, the abuse that man would receive ),?,?,?


Some woman still have the nerve to say a guy is ugly If only he was allowed more than 30 mins to get ready without being accused of being vain and was allowed as many beauty products as women have


Anyway, u could argue us men are lucky to have a girl allow to make herself more beautiful than she already is with extra stuff.

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Well some guys are more attracted to someone with symmetry. Yes, Symmetry. Like the more symmetrical your face is to us (guys) then the more attractive you are to us. I don't know about the symmetry for the rest of the body, it just matters if your body is uneven (Example: head isn't symmetrical, body is fat, and vice versa.).

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yup - there have been published studies on facial symmetry. Men tend to be more attracted to women with symmetric faces. As for the makeup and stuff.... lips and cheeks, we color, because when a woman is aroused, her lips turn red and her cheeks flush. Looks healthy and appealing.


Women a long time ago used to drop Belladonna in the eyes, to dialate the pupils. Studies have also been done where they show two photos of the same woman - one with large pupils, one with small. The large pupils are found to be more attractive. Your pupils dialate when you are aroused. If you don't believe me, just talk to someone who is interested in you - you'll notice when they look at you, their pupils get larger...

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Everyone is different, and have different tastes. I perfer a woman with nice legs rather than the other. I guess that is why Baskin Robbins has 25 flavors and not just one. If we all liked the same thing I think the world would be a pretty boring place.






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Maybe I'm just weird, but I find that the more someone tries to be beautiful, the less they are. Natural is always more beautiful. I think that someone who is truly beautiful, won't give a darn if they look so or not. Forget all the makeup and beauty aids. Forget about having the perfect outfit. Just be you and if someone likes you, they will find you beautiful no matter what.

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Maybe I'm just weird, but I find that the more someone tries to be beautiful, the less they are. Natural is always more beautiful. I think that someone who is truly beautiful, won't give a darn if they look so or not. Forget all the makeup and beauty aids. Forget about having the perfect outfit. Just be you and if someone likes you, they will find you beautiful no matter what.


good answer, i agree.


1 thing I always tell people, is that I think beauty has a limit. Once some girl crosses those limits, to me personally, they start to not look so pretty and just look fake.


1 girl I chat to often on msn wears no mkae up, and she is very pretty. A girl i knew at school wore next to no make up and was the prettiest in the year.


2 girls i like at work i think are very pretty, but i have to admit, they try too hard with make up and i think they would be better with less.


Sometimes more really is less

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Remember that good looking is different for each person. By this I mean there are quite a few 'supermodels' out there that I don't find attractive, i.e they are too thin.


The initial attraction is probably based on looks but believe me, personality will play apart. Thats why a lot of friendships lead to romance.



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Remember that good looking is different for each person. By this I mean there are quite a few 'supermodels' out there that I don't find attractive, i.e they are too thin. For myself, sure, it helps if they keep in shape but they haven't have to have olympic athlete bodies.


The initial attraction is probably based on looks but believe me, personality will play apart. Thats why a lot of friendships lead to romance.



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for me, it's about how the girl takes care of herself. anyone can be attractive if they bathe, shave, brush their teeth, come their hair and put on deodorant, all on a regular basis. plus, i don't think makeup is too attractive; i like it when a girl can be proud of the way she looks day by day. sometimes though, like for really special occasions, a little eye liner and lipstick can be really sexy, because every so often we like to see a girl primped up.


about weight... there are people who are attracted to all kinds of body types. for me personally, i'm attracted to girls with my body type - medium to tall, and thin (i'm very thin and tall so it's a little peculiar when a girl weighs more than me but is a foot shorter) but also because once again, it shows respect for oneself. it's not about being skinny, it's about being healthy. too thin or too thick is just plain unhealthy, and thus brings back that subconscious feeling of attraction towards the "healthy" mate.


just my thoughts.

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Ummmm, that goes back to the B.C. ages where the women had big boobs to feed the offspring and I don't really know about the rest of the body lol.


Anyways I have my own question kind of relating to this:


Are girls attracted to skater hair (not that long just goes over ears and over forehead), do they think it looks hot on guys?


Actually not true. In the first place, BC refers to the period before the birth of Christ, a blink of an eye in terms of the age of humankind.


Other animals do not have large breasts unless domesticated and bred for milk production. Some anthropologists believe that breasts in women were developed so large when our ancestors began to walk upright. Before that the primary sexual attraction was the buttocks because they were visble and that's the general area where the action took place. They believe the breasts were developed as large as a substitute visual attraction and thereforeeee a secondary sexual part of the body. Large breasts are not necessary for milk production nor are they necessary when not lactating.


When you look at the various art forms of naked women it is surprising how much the idealised form has not changed much over the years. Take the various statues of Venus and the Mona Lisa as examples. People were misled by the 18th century nudes by Ruebens, but he had a fondness for large women and was widely imitated, but portriats of most women of those times showed a plumpness as opposed to largeness, and were not particularly large even by todays standards.


It is true that Marilyn Monroe would be considered overweight by todays media standards, but many men find the stick-insect look of models unattractive. They are chosen largely because clothes hang better on thin women.


The most important thing to remembr is that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.

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Omfg, I was just referring to ancient times, this isn't school y'know!
, BC refers to the period before the birth of Christ,
No ****. And for the rest of the stuff ok, maybe I am wrong big deal, it's still ancient times when this was going on. So it doesn't matter. It's not like we're writing an essay on it!


But you are attempting to give advice - and informed opinion is always better than an opinion based on a less than complete grasp of the facts.

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I find it rather funny when men say that they like girls who don't wear any makeup. I was hanging out with a group of people, and this one guy said that he likes girls who don't wear makeup. Then, he told us who his crush was - the teaching assistant. All us girls were like, "Dude! She totally wears makeup!!!!!" It's wasn't bright red lipstick, or blue eyeshadow - but she definitely was wearing makeup!

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