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dont know whats wrong with my mom

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im 13 years old and i have 5 brothers and sisters. my mom and dad are married and have been for 20 years. my family has always been very happy and we all loved eahcother very much. but my parents have been fighting alot lately over my brother matt who is my twin, except im a girl, because he is involved in drugs and other things. and now they argue all the time over everything. my dad aalways mentions divorse and it scares all of us. my dad gets very crazy sometimes and we are all affraid of him. im scared that he will hit my mom. and my dad has been gone for three weeks and we dont know where he is. my mom called him and i heard my mom talking she said, alan what do you expect..i just found out the most shocking news of my life. and she was crying very much. my mom has been flipping out on us alot and has been going "crazy". i dont know what to do to help my parents and my family. i feel like everything i always had is falling apart. what do u think is going on with my mom and what do you think the most shocking day of her life is because i have no idea?! ok well if you can help me please write me back. i can use any advice any can give me! please help as soon as possible because i feel scared and alone!! thank you very much! bye!


With lots of love,


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Hi Kelsey,


I am sorry to hear what you are going through. I understand that you're very scared and insecure over what's going to happen next.


My advice to you is very effective as it is simple: you can't do this on your own. thereforeeeeee I would suggest that you take one of your teachers or your school counselor in confidence and talk to them. You don't have to safe the world all by yourself and this is something you don't have to bear or to do alone, either. I would call in the troops for advice.


I wish you good luck and strength and hope for a better future for you soon.


~ SwingFox ~

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Hi Kelsey...


I agree that you should find someone that you can talk to about the way you feel. I would think that anyone around your age, going through what you are, would feel the same way you do right now. It's normal. And your parents divorce is not something that you can stop. If it's going to happen, then it's important for you to get some help to deal with your feelings. Do you talk to your siblings about it? How do they feel? Is there one that you are close with that you can talk about this to? If you are scared of your father like you say, then not being there is probably a good thing for now. Please take care of yourself. It's probably hard to understand why your parents are doing this. But they aren't doing it just TO YOU. Everyone reacts differently in similar situations, but your feelings of being alone, and scared are normal. Unfortunately, these things happen all the time. Maybe your school counselor can suggest a support group. Or maybe there is already one in your school that you aren't aware of. If you are nervous about talking to someone in your school, then take advantage of the internet. I'm sure there is help out there for you, but you need to look for it, if it's not there in your face.

Stay strong, and try to learn from the experiences you go through.


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Hey Kelsey-


My parents too have lingered on that "I'm gonna divorce you" line from time to time. So, I sorta know how you feel. I'm 21, and I still feel as if it is very important that my parents stay together. As far as what can you do to help better things, I might suggest you talk to your brother in calm rational matter, try and understand why he's doing what he has chosen to do. Don't get upset and yell at him, I'm sure he's heard enough of this from everyone else. I see brothers and sisters as being more in tune to eachother and have a greater knowlegde about eachother than that of the parents.


You sound like a very mature teenager, and I commend you for that. If you need support, or just someone to talk to, I'm usually on MSN about everyday and I would be glad to lend an ear - and offer my prayers. Good luck to you.



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That's the dumbest thing that can happen...


I'm 17 and when I was 12 we moved to our new house... And after that we found about so much ugly things that our father had done all the years...


All the time my parents were barking at each other about divorce & such stuff...


Yuck... I know how it is...

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