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Trying to come to terms of the ending of a decade long relationship.

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I have been thinking about my past relationship. I'm completely over him, I just still grieve. In the ten years of being with somebody, you think they will be there forever. The first seven years were wonderful, we had love right away, very passionate and inseparable. We even dreamed of a wedding and living together.


The last three years shattered me!


He has a serious Mental illness and he messed with his medication. It became a domino effect. He slowly but surely lost grips with reality, with himself and he started to drastically change. I tried so hard to be there and be strong for him.


He begin to have relationship anxiety, then it centered around me, and he blamed me for his illness and so did his family. They needed a scapegoat and I was theirs because of how he perceived me being to blame!


That took a toll on me, it was emotionally draining, he ended it for good in August. He tried changing medicine and therapy to Make us work.


Truth is I knew it was dead the moment he fell ill. The writing on the wall. He struggled with his love for me.


So I hardly saw him for three years. I didn't want to abandon hope. He was supposed to be my forever!


I thought this was a storm and it would pass.


In October I found a site and joined online for people with all types of disabilities.


I met a guy, a pen pal since he lives in another state.

We started talking everyday. I told him my heart has to heal. He became my best friend and confidante.


We started off on the site then moving to messenger, then Facebook, then phone, now skype or phone everyday since October 13th.


We have developed romantic interest. He is coming on his way for an annual event at the end of July and I get to meet him and his parents with my parents.


Then he is coming back in September if we have the romantic, chemistry in person. We want to be in a relationship and even have it laid out so we can survive long distance.


That gives me a year to grieve over the loss of my past relationship.


I'm thinking of therapy to help me talk through the whole change of events.


Thank you for reading.

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I am sorry to hear about the loss of your relationship . The first part sounds like the story of my parents . They loved each other immensely but that love could not outlive his serious mental illness . My mom thought that she could love him better and over the course of a few decades off and on their lives and love was destroyed .

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I feel for the relation that ended on a bad note when you had done all you could do. But one cannot fight with the destiny.

At the same time I so happy for you finding a true mate again. Life is not that generous to all. Lucky you!!

Enjoy the moments....Hope you have great life ahead!

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