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Should I Tell Her I'm a Virgin?


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Hi everyone,


I've been dating this girl for about 2 months now. Everything is somehow going very well - I use the word "somehow" because i'm a natural pessimist, I never thought she would be interested in me, and she is honestly my first girlfriend. We work together, so we see each other every day, but have been out with each other many times and each date lasts a long time. She has slept over my house a few times now but outside of kissing her goodnight we have not been that physical (partially my fault, explained below).


About two weeks ago we were out with a group of friends at a bar close to my house. She got a little drunk and clearly wanted to crash at my place. That weekend there ended up being a huge snowstorm so in addition to sleeping over Friday night she was snowed in with me until Sunday afternoon. We had a good time together, talking, watching movies, even braved the blizzard at night to walk and get dinner. I wanted to get a little more intimate with her but the opportunity just didn't present itself, she fell asleep while watching the movie at night and I also didn't want her to think I was taking advantage of the situation.


Bottom line is that this past week a coworker told me that she (my girlfriend) is really enjoying everything and is having a great time but wishes that I would be a bit more "aggressive." The implication of course being physically. The problem is that she's my first girlfriend and I have basically zero experience with girls, not limited to but including the fact that i'm a virgin. With Valentine's Day coming up and us continuing to hang out I assume that unless I horribly screw something up, my relationship with this girl will eventually lead to sex.


My question then is two-fold. First, should I openly talk with her upfront about the fact that i'm not very experienced, hence why I have not been "aggressive" physically (it's not that I don't want to, i'm really just shy). Secondly, in the event that we are alone and about to potentially have sex, do I let her know that i'm a virgin beforehand. I feel that if i'm not honest with her from the start, it will be obvious that I have no idea what i'm doing and she'll be disappointed. Although she might be disappointed in any case if I inform her that i'm a virgin.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


The fear of screwing up is natural. But--reality is everyone at some point was someone's first. Once passion sets in you'll forget to think and just you'll just feel. Don't be afraid it's nature....it'll take over. Go into the approach warmly. Kiss her, go to second base, third if she allows then....she'll reciprocate. If it's over to fast you can always do it again.

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