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how can i get over this

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my gf who im not sure should by my ex or not. had treated me like crap for 5 months. i finally just ended it and it hurt her so badly. she cut 50+ times all over her body. what she did to me was twist all my words make me afraid to speak and quite honestly afraid to be around anyone. she seems to be better now that she knows what she had done. but i still hate her for emotionally killing me. i love her to the point of no return. but i just hate her for putting me in that place. how can i still be with her? as in how do i get over this? or should i just get out now?

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Get out now.


Never be pressured into staying in a bad relationship because of threats of self harm by the other person. If you think you can get someone to help her then do so, but you also have to look after yourself and this relationship can only harm you.

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Hey quazit,


It's perfectly understandable that you feel stuck in this relationship. Your girlfriend has serious issues. People who cut themselves are not 'crazy', in most cases there are deep underlying issues of unprocessed pain that makes them want to hurt themselves. In many cases it's a way of feeling another pain than the emotional pain, or even to feel anything (they might feel so empty and far away from their feelings, that cutting is an attempt to feel something).


The point is, her problems are now affecting your life. You are not responsible for her mental health. As I assume, you are both in school, right? Is she talking to anyone there, I mean someone like a school-counsellor, a mentor/tutor or teacher?


If you are both in the same school, I advise you to talk to someone of the board in your school who knows your gf. You don't need to tell specifics, but it might be a good thing that in school people keep an extra eye on this girl.


Meanwhile, you need to end things with her. You are young, and this is becoming destructive for yourself.


I understand you feel strange about her being the 3rd girl you have a relationship with that cuts herself. Don't put this on yourself. It's not your fault.


take care,



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if you cut, you are not crazy!!!!....... maybe you just have to be more understanding!!! she need suspport through this. ..... and you obviously aren't giving it to her........ it seems to me that maybe you keep coming l=closer and closer then beacking up so maybe she's just confusd about what you are doing with her? like if you are using her or not...... i think you should seriously sit down in a serious conversation with her and talk about it....... maybe it is better you break up..... but make sure she knows it, and is not expecting something else so she won't get disapointed.....

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