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Should I call it quits


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So, I've been dating a guy for about 8 weeks (1-2 a week). For the last two weeks he was visiting family in Europe for the holidays.

We didn't keep in touch during this time but agreed to chat when he got back. He has been back for two days now. I feel like if he

was interested he might miss me and should contact me by now? I missed him while he was away but not sure if he feels the same.

Should I just call it quits?

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Hi. It's only been 2 days. Definitely wait another few days, maybe a week max. THEN message him a casual message asking him how his hols were etc..Try and use whatssap and get him whilst he is 'online'. This way you know he got message.Sometimes there are phone issues etc and texts can't go through.. If he still does not reply, i would put it down as a nice experience and move on. He may come back at a later date, in which case that's fine, but just be wary that he isn't one of those people with 'hot and cold ' issues.Good luck and come back if you need further advice

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Yea, I get that is only been 2 days and I'm probably overreacting. But with so much of this "he's just not that into you" ideas, I feel like shouldn't he be calling soon after he's back if he's really interested? We haven't talked for two weeks. I think the no-contact thing is making me feel insecure about things now.

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Yea, I get that is only been 2 days and I'm probably overreacting. But with so much of this "he's just not that into you" ideas, I feel like shouldn't he be calling soon after he's back if he's really interested? We haven't talked for two weeks. I think the no-contact thing is making me feel insecure about things now.


I would give it a few more days. Not too long and then like i said..just contact him..... No need to jump to the conclusion that he doesn't like you at this stage. It's just you worrying This has happened to me with a girl before and her mobile was broken. It's also happened the other way round where a girl thought i was blanking her, but my network had been down a few days.

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So, I've been dating a guy for about 8 weeks (1-2 a week). For the last two weeks he was visiting family in Europe for the holidays.

We didn't keep in touch during this time but agreed to chat when he got back. He has been back for two days now. I feel like if he

was interested he might miss me and should contact me by now? I missed him while he was away but not sure if he feels the same.

Should I just call it quits?


Why are you waiting for him to contact you? How did you find out he's back? If all it took was 2 weeks to forget your existence then yes dump him but at least TRY to contact him? Don't play games.

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Depends on what you mean by 'calling it quits'. If that means contacting him to dump him, then no. It makes no sense to contact someone to say that you won't be contacting him. If that means not bothering to contact him, it depends on what you believe you'd have to lose by the contact.


If you want to see him again, I'd take a shot at reaching out to see how he's doing. If he doesn't respond or brushes you off, then you'll have more clarity.

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