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Tips for going to a Christmas party alone


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Hello peeps,


This is more of a personal growth issue than a dating one so I've dumped my post here! Has anyone any tips for 'working' a room when attending a party/social gathering alone?


The centre where I volunteer once a week has their Christmas do very soon. I've put my name down for it and invited my friend however she didn't seem too enthusiastic (she's even more reserved/quieter than I am) so I don't want to force her along. I'm an introvert and on nights out tend to keep with a close group of friends as a 'safety net', but this year since moving home all I've done is work and on days off sleep late, most of my circle has moved away so want to at least try and venture out of the house! This may also be a good networking event because the centre staff have careers that I'm interested in, and I'm sure one volunteer was ahead of me in the same course at uni but I've never spoken to him properly.


Or, I may go for a glass of fizz, pinch some nibbles from the buffet table then slink home early haha.

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Hmm my personality is like yours but if I found myself in your position I'd deliberately start conversations around the buffet table, find someone filling a plate up alone if possible and female and hone in (try to look casual not too obvious) comment on the 'lovely spread' comment on a type of food the person's putting on their plate and say something to them like oh those salmon canapes are delicious!!- then ask them something that could keep the conversation going (I'm not sure the type of volunteering your doing or the career) but something around that/the reason that person'd be there, if you feel brave you could tell them 'your partner has a bug' so you've ended up alone and hope for an invite back to her table. If you've volunteered there your bound to see some familiar faces so concentrate on these also for conversation. Sometimes just tell people (for example others in your volunteer group, not just randoms lol) 'I'm a little shy in these situations' helps as they can be really understanding and let you join them and its good sometimes to get it out there may help you relax more. Fizz, nibbles, home=last resort. Your brave enough to even attempt to go alone given your an introvert so try your best

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Plaster your beautiful smile on your face and be confident. When you get there, grab and drink and walk up to people that look nice and introduce yourself. Ask them questions about themselves and try and be as engaging as possible. If you meet only one new person that you can buddy up with, then you have had a successful and good evening. Try and put those nerves away. If you run into some snobs .... then move on and talk to someone else.

Best wishes for a good time!

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