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kinda nervous


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i know ill probably get a lot of the same comments about how if she really likes you the sex wont be all the big deal, but i dont always believe that

girls talk about it all the time just as guys do and if you suck in bed than your not gonna get the best rating. Now im not syaing im not good in bed, cuz ive had many compliments before, but the problem is im afraid of what her ex is like. She is one of the few girls who always likes sex, yet doesnt get around the block. Her ex and her went out for a long time and basically perfected sex, and i dunno i guess im a little nervous i wont be up to her standards. Im probably about 6-6 1/2 inches long

is that big enough?

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Just because you go out with someone for a long time does not mean you have "perfected sex". Sex is all about communication, the dynamics of the couple, pleasuring one another, and each couple has their own "boundaries" and exploration. You can be together for years and never quite truly click sexually, or for a matter of weeks and have an amazing sex life.


Don't worry about your size...great sex is not to do with penis size, and besides that you are in the average size category from what studies say, so don't stress about it. Her feeling you are stressed nervous won't make things better!


Sex is something that couples together need to sort out, as every dynamic is different. You may be great in bed with one person, and not with another - because everyone likes different things, or gets excited in other ways - I bet you anything even people who brag about how great they are and have others say they are, might even have some who don't know what the heck they are talking about! Soooo.....just enjoy it and have lots of communication around it to find out what YOU as a couple enjoy! Take the pressure of yourself

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I think that the importance you put on trying to please her is sometimes more signficant than if you actually make her cum. If you put in the effort, then it tough to complain about what you are doing. I dated a woman who had issues with my beard during oral sex. When I tried to use a depiliatory (Magic Shave) it burned my face, but it meant the world to her that I tried.

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I doubt that her ex and her could have "perfected sex", so I wouldnt get hung up on that. I wouldnt develop any sort of insecurity because of this. Instead focus on the aspect of pleasing your partner rather than how big you are. This means focus on things that you actually have control over rather than things you dont.

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Yeah, I agree with the previous posters on this one; you really shouldn't get hung up on it because that kind of thing can ruin a relationship. So just chill out, take a deep breath, ask questions and find out how to give her as much pleasure as possible. If you can't reassure yourself then where is your sex life going? Downhill, that's where.


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