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My ex and I of five years broke up over a month ago. I tried REALLY hard to get him to stay but he ignored the idea and ended up moving out. It wasn't until he moved out (like two weeks ago) that he decided he would be nice to me and actually talk. We talked a lot about what went wrong, and we slept together a few times. He said he would like for us to remain friends and I agreed - we also said we weren't going to be sleeping with anyone else if we continued having sex with each other. A week ago today I got a little crazy and tried to get him to tell me if there was every going to be a new start for us. I was pushy, and he told me I needed to back off. So I did. Completely. I haven't initiated any texts or calls but he keeps texting me in the mornings telling me to have a great day and a lot of "small talk" texts. I've pretty much been ignoring them - not really trying to keep any conversation going. Now I'm really starting to think it's time to move on but I don't get what he's trying to do. We're also friends on Facebook and likes everything I like, it's kind of annoying. Why would he be doing these things?

Thanks for any advice.


*Edit* Anytime we've fought or "broke up" before (obviously we always got back together) I was always the one to chase him and convince him to work it out. It was really stupid now that I look back on it. Now that I've stopped doing that, do you think he's realizing he actually lost me?

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He's demoted you and your relationship from one of commitment and exclusivity to be one of open convenience.

Is the exception of exclusive sex but no relationship or mutual understanding ok with you? If so carry on.


As for myself, I reserve sex as something I share with my boyfriend.

He's blurred the lines sufficiently that this benefits him in a lot of ways.

Does this benefit you? If not you have some say in how you want to conduct you life and people who have the honor to be a part of it.

My guess is he sees himself a free agent and at some point will date. He will have sex with you until which point he can secure another partner.

I would squash the convenient sex. That's a gift you give to someone deserving. He's not willing to be in a relationship with you therefore - not deserving. Besides there is no incentive for him to work things out with you.

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The simple answer is, "because he can." He's taking on an offer he can't refuse, and you're attempting to win him back by enticing him with free sex. It doesn't work that way, and the most you'll get out of this, is the loss of any bit of self-respect you have left.


If he wants to be with you, he knows where to find you.

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I tried REALLY hard to get him to stay but he ignored the idea..


...I was always the one to chase him and convince him to work it out. It was really stupid now that I look back on it.


It's not up to you to do the convincing.


You wanted it, you put everything you had on the table, you can now let go. It's better to be with someone that wants you and makes it clear to you.

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