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the end has arrived

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My Husband got mad at me because i wouldn't give him the car or money to buy drugs so he said he hates me and spit I my face...i realize that you don't develop feelings over night and he has been playing me....he doesn't have anywhere to go and he doesn't have alot of money and i did everything for him. He does have other issues and we didn't have a good marriage however to spit on someone you claimed you loved it not right so i made a promise to myself to be strong enough to walk away for good this time and i prayed for gods help....am i wrong.....how did i get here and when did it go so bad...how could i miss it...i was blinded by my love and wanting happy ever after...

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i made a promise to myself to be strong enough to walk away for good this time and i prayed for gods help.....

I hope you mean it as it is long overdue. I am surprised you haven't served him with divorce papers ages ago. As long as you stay with him, you are telling him it is okay for him to continue with his abuse. YOU are allowing it. Show him you have enough self-respect by leaving him.

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It is indeed time to go. He spit on you and got angry, because frankly he loves his drugs more. He's an addict, you will not change him, that's on him. Go contact an attorney, work out a way to get him or you safely out of there, and end things.


At some point one has to have had enough and it sounds like that time has come.

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I hope you mean it as it is long overdue. I am surprised you haven't served him with divorce papers ages ago. As long as you stay with him, you are telling him it is okay for him to continue with his abuse. YOU are allowing it. Show him you have enough self-respect by leaving him.


You are correct and i dont like defeat so i stayed thinking it would change for the better and it didn't only got worst..now i feel stupid....

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This is not about love or the fear of defeat, but the dependence of another. Time to stop making excuses and take some action. Enough is enough!


I also hope you seek some help to move on from this situation, as you have no boundaries and have lost your self respect.

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By the way i did have him sign divorce papers before and never finished the process...until now....this will be my next step...i can't believe he spit in my face...


I can't believe you took him back, time and again, after all of the cheating. I see he is also abusive and a drug addict. What the heck have you been sticking around for?

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By the way i did have him sign divorce papers before and never finished the process...until now....this will be my next step...i can't believe he spit in my face...


He's been spitting in your face with every drug dose. You'll see this all more clearly the longer you can stay away from him.


Head high, and move FORward.

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