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What are you listening to? Part 13


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Today I realized that Hall & Oates I Can't Go For That and Meatloaf's I Would Do Anything For Love have similar subject matter. I still don't know exactly what's off limits for these people. But I do know it's something.


[video=youtube;ccenFp_3kq8] ]

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Hrmppphhh. They don't have the original video for this song on youtube. It was an interesting combination of Beauty and the Beast, Bram Stoker's Dracula (Francis Ford Coppola movie) and some sort of police caper.


The police search part reminds me of the Janie's Got a Gun video.



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Yes! I love this song. AND it's one f the stupidest videos on the planet.


Lunatic Fringe reminds me of this song, which I also like:


[video=youtube;a1sf2CzEq0w] ]


And I like that song!


And yeah, the Red Rider video looks like it was shot in someone's basement.

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