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hey guys, man im really not lookin forward to valentines day. it is the same every year. i always get my hopes up and think maybe this year will be different maybe this year i will get a card ,but no, it just never happens! i mean all my friends tell me im gorgeous but why dont others thinkk it why dont guy find me atractive i know this will be a hard one to give advise to coz there aint a picture but im just fed up of feelin unatractive and this time fo year just makes everythin worse! im sure its the same for alot of girls out there but i cant help but feel alone!

luv ttmo xxx

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Unless your friends are extremely honest with you, its hard to trust wut they say because first of all they dont want to hurt your feelings. You may be gorgeous but how does that have anything to do with having a valentine? It would be best for you to stop getting down because of a made up holiday. If you dont get anything for valentines day thten so what, it shouldnt be a gauge to determine your self worth. Its just another day, you have choosen to make that day mean if you dont get a valentines day gift then you feel unwanted. The day itself is just exploiting an insecurity that you already have within yourself, until you get over that insecurity Valentines Day will always be a problem for you.

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now that's one bad attitude dude...not getting a valentine doesn't make you unattractive - and if your friends say your hot...believe them. All that really matters is what you think anyways, so don't look to other to reassure that your beautiful and worthwile, deep down you know you are already!! Believe me, I'm not getting a valentine this year either, and I'm not too worried, because you know what my theory is? When your not ready or looking for love, you'll find it, but when your constantly waiting for a man to fall for you, it'll never happen. Wouldn't it be nice if valentine's day was as romantic as we fantasize it should be? Keep your chin up, valentine's day is scam anyway. =)

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V-Day is a played up holiday, (as is sweetest day). Look up the REAL history of Valentines day and you will prbably be surprised.


I am married, and I never get anything for V Day, and I never give my husband anything either. Does it mean I am unattractive or that he loves me any less? Of course not.

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You are who you are no matter what date the calendar says.


Valentine's Day is just another opportunity for retailers to sell stuff and make some people feel bad if they don't get that stuff.


An unexpected act of kindness on an ordinary day is much more valuable than a pre-printed card bought out of obligation.


Hold out for that genuine token of someone's affection. It means much, much more.

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How you feel on V-Day is your choice. V-Day is just a corporate holiday to make people feel obligated to show their love. Sure, it kinda sucks when you don't have someone there, but if you choose to let that bother you, it's your choice! You have to ability to overlook it!


In 2 months are you really going to care if you had someone on V-Day?


Just don't worry about it. You're going to be fine

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On Valentine's day people who are single should give food to the homeless or do other expresions of love. That is what true love is. True love isn't a feelling. Its an unselfish act. Show someone you love them on Valentine's day.


Brillant I_love_rain, you just give the best view on valentine's day I've ever heard.

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