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What could she be thinking?


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I recently had a huge falling out with an ex girlfriend. She ended things to focus on her health after we had only been together for 2 months. However she was back and forth with me for the last 3 years before deciding to give me a chance but that only lasted for 2 months. I stuck around for so long and remained supportive to her. Even went as far as giving her money for her medication as she was not making money at the time. We had a falling out when she went to my phone about 2 months ago. She got upset that I have been talking to other girls and I explained to her that it was unfair for her to be upset when she would never commit to me or take me seriously. So I decided to implement this 30 day no contact rule period two weeks into the no contact rule where I don't initiate any contact she has started to message me as if everything was as it was. I have not made myself available as I have intentionally taken up to 10 hours to respond to her messages. Can anybody give me any insight as to why she has started to try to make conversation with me without addressing our issues first. I do not believe we can move forward if we don't address those issues.

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She doesn't want a relationship with you...she's had years to make that happen if that's what she wanted. She wants to keep you around and string you along but she doesn't want what you want.


If you don't want to just be friends you need to go back to NC and never look back. Don't do NC as way to get her back do it as a way to get yourself back and move on.

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Who cares! There are many reasons why, she is playing a game, why??? not sure. Now she has you playing to, 10 hours to reply? 30 day no contact? What are you doing?! Stop and find someone who wants to be with you and wants to text you and wants to care for you. By the time you figure it out to walk away forever you will be damaged and feel devalued. block her and just move on.

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She is used to you being there in basically the boyfriend role without her having to commit or put any effort in at all. You have allowed this dynamic where you are the one doing all the work.


Let her go. Three years. And barely even any interest or effort at all on her part. She just isn't into you, man. Sorry if that sounds harsh. But you have to stop thinking that if you just do more, she'll somehow want this.


When someone wants you, it's rather clear. It's not pulling teeth like this. The fact she is contacting you when you specifically asked for time apart, shows you she does not have the kind of respect for you that you deserve.

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"She ended things to focus on her health after we had only been together for 2 months. However she was back and forth with me for the last 3 years before deciding to give me a chance but that only lasted for 2 months"

"We had a falling out when she went to my phone about 2 months ago. "


- I don't think you need someone like this. She does NOT favour you at all.

Gain some self respect here and back off now.


"Can anybody give me any insight as to why she has started to try to make conversation with me without addressing our issues first"

- I'd say you two barely got started.... was only a cpl of months.


Move on. Sadly you've wasted way too much time on someone who's totally wrong for you.

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You are her wallet, her fall guy, her shoulder to cry on and support AS SHE PLEASES.


And yet, you are still thinking that there is some magical button she will press and like you and want to be in a relationship with you?


You are naive and ignorant, I'm sorry.


If this girl really liked you, she would be running over the hills to be with you.




Give it up already, cut her off completely and never contact her again. Pursuit people that like you, not those that don't and take advantage of you!


And don't even think about any kind of "friendship", she is NOT your friend. Friends don't take advantage of others.

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I hope you will take everyone's advice and move on.The longer you have weirdos like this peeking in on your life and poking you with a stick from time to time, the more you attract other weirdos.She disrespected you over and over and over and over again and used you. There is a saying in sales that as long as the customer is still talking, it's not over. Don't waste anymore time with her. Move on

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