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Pregnancy I dont think I can take this..... thinkin suiside


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Well sadly I may have gotten this girl preg. She says she is late for her period...... the thing is she got her period like 4-5 days after we had sex.... then she missed the next period..... she may be playing a game but I dunno..... I do not like this girl one bit I got wasted one night and I dont even remember anything really and she wasn't drinking much at all I am extremely upset right now..... She says shes gonna get tested tomorrow but if she does come back preg. there is no doubt I will kill myself no matter what cause she is not for abortions..... I also missed the last doeses of my anti-depressents and I will continue not taking them so I dont mess up and decide not to kill myself..... I need help I feel like puking I cant stop cring.. I am 18 and cant handle this kinda stuff.....

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First, don't commit suicide, it's a stupid idea. Second, if I can b!tch slap you, I will. What happened to taking responsibilities for your own actions? You say you were wasted? Stop using excuses so you don't have to be responsible. Wusses take the easy way out and leave behind the mess for someone else to take care of. Be a man and face the consequence.

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First off, if she had her period after you had sex obviously she wasn't pregnant at that time unless you had sex with her after that period. Secondly, you chose to drink, you chose to sleep with her, quit making excuses, antidepressants or not, you need to learn how to be responsible for your own actions. Suicide is selfish to everyone around you. Not to mention it doesn't fix anything, and you don't know that she is pregnant or if it's even yours. I suggest you calm yourself down and talk to someone.

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I second Cleverme. I really don't think this girl is pregnant. If she is, I don't think it's from you. If she is pregnant, and she insists its yours, take a paternity test. I just don't see how you could be the father though - her period flushed everything out of her system - sperm included. Get a grip, and get back on your meds.

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Beofre you decide to committ suicide, think or find out about the havoc, the absolute wreckage that a suicide leaves behind, destroying the lives of the person's friends and family. I have an aunt whose son, my cousin, killed himself thirty years ago. She still has problems because of it after thirty years. Can you do that to your family?

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Okay...SUICIDE is NOT the answer...you said you were wasted and don't remember it happening so its a chance that it may not be yours if she is pregnant.

Also I've heard about situations where persons have seen their period for a few months b4 finding out that they were pregnant...so not because she sees her period after they had sex means that she can't be pregnant...yes this is not normal but it does exist.


Next time control the amount of liquor you intake if you're not prepared to do things you wouldn't do if you were sober.


Good luck

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I know I'll just be repeating what everyone else has said, but you said she had her period after you had sex, right? If so, then its not possible that she's pregnant by you.


What happens is that an egg is released from the ovaries and if it isn't fertilized, meaning sperm hasn't gotten to it, a girl will have her period. So this means that if she had her period after you had sex, then the egg wasn't fertilized. thereforeeee, its hard to believe she's pregnant by you.


A girls period can be late. It doesn't always mean she is pregnant. If a girl is stressed, it could make her period late. If she does turn out to be pregnant, I would really suggest getting a paternity test because I just don't see how you could be the father.


Like everyone else said, you are responsible for your actions. You chose to drink. You need to realize the consequences for your actions. You chose to drink, which led you to have sex with a girl you didn't even have sex with. So what does that tell you about you when your drunk? That you can't control your actions, which means you should really consider not getting so drunk anymore, since you know that you make bad decisions. Thats only my suggestion.


Hopefully she doesn't turn out pregnant because if she does and you are the dad, then that poor baby is not going to have a great life, especially if you do kill yourself. Killing yourself isn't going to make anything better. Its only going make things worse for the people around you. Or do you even care about them?

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Just one other thing to add here...if you're taking anti-depressants, you shouldn't be drinking. The alcohol mixed with your medication can cause some bad and downright dangerous side effects.


If you can't psychologically handle the possibility of a pregnancy, then you shouldn't be having sex. Even with proper usage of birth control there is always a possiblility of pregnancy, that's just one of the risks that go along with sex.

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