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can anyone relate?

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Yes. In fact, this is one of the best lines from the movie Swingers:


Sometimes it still hurts. You know how it is, man. It's like, you wake up every day and it hurts a little bit less, and then you wake up one day and it doesn't hurt at all. And the funny thing is, is that, this is kinda weird, but it's like, it's like you almost miss that pain.


Hands down the BEST movie about breaking up and moving on.

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After months of personal reflection and getting back my self-esteem and confidence, I felt nothing but rejuvenation when I started dating again.


It was very liberating, and it was worth the pain to getting to that point of letting the past go because I went back to the person I used to be. While this happened, I attracted a new man, and we are enjoying our time spent together and taking it all day by day and not mentioning anything about the future because no future is ever guaranteed.


I let go of the hurt and inner pain that a break-up does to a person, because I truly wanted to let go and move on from that part of my life. It wasn't easy, but I see now my ex isn't in my life anymore to make room for someone who is more appreciative and caring.

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I suppose different people heal in different ways. That feeling you describe might not hurt per se, but it doesn't sound like the feeling of someone who has healed.


I personally have had a moment where I "realized" I was over my last relationship. I simply stopped thinking about it.

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