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Is there anyway to bring a person back from the brink of suicide?

Soup the Dog

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I've been suicidal quite a few times, recently earlier this year after a devastating loss, and it's something I've struggled with far too much. Speaking perfectly honest, I get this pang of fear whenever I read the post here on ENA about a person on the brink of doing just that. I don't judge and I do understand the appeal of wanting all the loneliness and fear and pain to go away...but it cuts me deeply when I realize that some people are suffering alone and have been for so long.


Words of encouragement here on ENA and elsewhere are great-they've helped me-but I know they can only go so far in reaching a person. I'm not sure what I'm really asking other than is there any other way to help a person who is set on taking that final step?

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I don't think that's a question that can really be answered.


Each person is different. Their desires, needs, what motivates them, what doesn't, how deep of a depression they are in...You may tell a parent "Don't do this selfish act - It will haunt your child for the rest of your life." and it might be the thing, the little tiny sliver of hope. You can tell that to another parent, and for them it might be "reinforcement" that they are selfish(thusly, "worthless").


If there were a certain something, those who have reached out or made their feelings known prior to their suicides would still be here.


It is so delicate that I am scared to talk to those who are suicidal. I don't judge them, I empathize deeply(my father took his life when I was a toddler). But I have no idea what to do. It's something that I've been thinking about a lot, lately. How much I want to help but also that I am afraid to. I don't know what they need in that moment. I do think, though - That the offer of a listening ear and quiet mouth can go a long way sometimes.

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I just wanted to add, I don't think a quiet mouth would go over well on a forum...Since you did mention posts.


I don't know what, if anything - Happens when someone makes an actual declaration and never comes back. And by that, I mean if anything can be done from an administrative POV(like the moderation team). It frightens me to think that someone's last contact was with a forum(and it does happen), and it just sat there. I think it is a very helpless feeling when you don't know if the person is reading or not, or they just disappear. I think about posters from throughout the years, especially in those situations - And wonder if they're still with us.


The suicide section of the forum is sadly, active with suicidal posters but far more limited with support than say, the break up section. I imagine most people are like me and don't know what to say, don't want to say the wrong thing. At least I hope so.

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EXACTLY! I worry constantly about the posters who have just said goodbye here on ENA and just vanished completely. My mind runs wild and into some pretty dark thoughts. I suppose you're right, too, melancholy123, that a person would also have to take that step forward as well. Sigh...


What did you mean by "I don't think a quiet mouth would go over well on a forum..." I really have no idea what that means.

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I read your post on fedz thread, Soup the Dog... then saw your own thread. I wonder if the admin could trace the IP she used and forward the info in here to the authorities in her town to check if something occurred. I know that is possible because the authorities can pinpoint the location more than the admin could.

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