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I think a cashier (let's call her Katy) at the grocery store I go to may like me. I'm normally pretty bad at reading girls but I think I may be right but I could still use a second, third or tenth opinion. So I went there tonight around 10 to get a few things and she was there. So I get in line behind a guy who is almost finished buying his stuff. Katy was bagging his food while another cashier was ringing up the customer. When Katy sees me she immediately smiles, stops bagging, and says she can help me at the next register over. By the time she starts scanning my items the guy who was in front of me at the other register had finished paying and there was no one behind me so it's not like there was a huge rush to ring up customers and it wouldn't have been any faster for her to ring me up. We make a bit of small talk and every time she talked she giggled a little and she was smiling the whole time. It wasn't the usual closed mouth smile cashiers give because they have to but an actual genuine smile. After I leave I realized that I forgot to buy cat litter and I go back in and get some and I go to her register. This time her friend at the next register was watching us and giggling.


Normally I don't consider asking out cashiers because I know they have to be nice to customers and I don't want to put them in an uncomfortable position. Every time I do see her she smiles at me but I wasn't sure. Tonight when she basically dropped what she doing to help me that made me think that maybe she does like me. Thoughts?

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She was bagging because there were no customers in her lane. When she saw that there was an additional customer, she quickly went to take care of you. Many stores have a policies that would dictate that behavior. I don't think she is into you. You can go back to that store and try a few times to talk to her and see what happens, but based on that one time, I think she was just doing her job and is a very nice person.

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LOL, covertcactus, you should read this thread by "JustWishing" on here titled "Can't handle the situation... Please Advise me":



She was in a similar predicament but with a middle aged man that was a cashier at her grocery store. After tons and tons of set backs and problems with the guy, she is actually finally dating him (somewhat!). Myself, I was on here about a girl at a coffee shop who is a cashier, and if I am correct about my situation, I will also be soon dating this person...


The others here are right. Some women are just like that and nice to everyone. But she may also like you and it definitely sounds like it. If you are interested, you should ask her on a date, plain and simple. There is no shame in asking out a cashier or anyone in that kind of service. The worst they can do is say "no". Just take a shot at her if you think she is interested. Everyone is fair game.


It may be more complicated than that as it is with my situation and JustWishing's. In her situation, the guy, well, he lives with his ex wife who he is helping with an illness. In my case, the girl already had a boyfriend, but she supposedly broke up with him and moved out and as soon as she is done with that she is supposed to date me (yea pretty messed up predicaments). So be prepared, these kinds of people (well I guess anyone really) can sometimes come with "baggage" and you may not get a date right away, but if you get to know them over time and everything it will work out.


Good luck.

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You can go to the store a few more times and try to get in her checkout line and talk casually to her. Try to gauge how she is treating you, since cashiers have to be polite to everyone. If you feel like she may indeed "like" you ask her if she'd like to go for coffee on her break or after work. Then you'll know if she does like you or she's being polite, or this would be her opportunity to tell you she's got a boyfriend.

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It sounds to me like she is into you.


Giggling is a pretty good indicator of interest. Cashiers may be friendly with everyone but they certainly don't giggle much.


If the other cashier was watching you two and also giggling, chances are the two girls have talked about you.


Maybe suggest grabbing coffee or a drink after she gets off work sometime, or whatever is convenient.

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It's really hard to tell when she's at work, because she has to be friendly to all of the customers that come in. Maybe you could just ask her if she wants to grab some lunch sometime, or go see a movie.. In order to find out, you're going to have to be the one to speak up, or you may never know.

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