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having a hard time dealing with my feelings...


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does anyone know a good site to just post text posts? that can be kept private to yourself? basically like an online journal.

I have been using my twitter to vent, but I'm currently trying to delete all my negative tweets and stop from putting negativity to my friends/followers on there.

I've tried to write stuff down in an actual journal but I can't seem to stick to it.

I also feel like I tended to use twitter because while I am mainly writing the negative feelings for myself , I know someone would have read it, thus making it feel like I have been heard?

I've been dealing with certain issues for a good while, and I don't want to burden my friends with these issues constantly. I need a place for myself to vent till I can overcome these feelings.

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Microsoft Word. Or Emacs if you're too cool for Word.


I think if you feel like a website is required for you to stick with it, maybe you're just looking to actually be heard by someone, even if you don't know who. In which case there's a lot of forums out there you can use without revealing your name or identifying information.

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What I meant by a website, I guess I meant something more like a simple layout blogging website. I understand I could write things out in a program like word, but I'd rather be able to post it and have a feed of my posts to look over and reflect on, rather than having to click through saved documents. I might just make a separate private twitter only I have access to. Because it's simple and convenient because I can use my phone to post. But the word limit is off-putting.


I might just make a tumblr for it. though I kind of hate using tumblr T_T which is why I wanted to see if anyone here had other good options.

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How about getting a wordpress site? It's free, very customizable, can be kept private if you wish. Lots of free "themes" you can tweak. I did just that when I needed to keep track of something that had happened to me that was really negative and I wanted to be able to have a concise record of events. I used it almost daily for a year as I worked thru a lot of stuff.


If you dont like that idea, there's lots of blogging sites out there that are free and can be kept private if desired.

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Years and years ago, when it was considered cool and all my friends were on there, I was on Live Journal, or "LJ" as people called it at the time. You can definitely make the posts visible only to yourself but also you can just make them visible but only strangers would see them and may comment. You can just use a random username and nobody would know who you are.

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