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Male giving the Female the phone number.


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So i was out at a restaurant last night and the waitress was attractive, flirty, and seemed interested. I was interested, TRIED to flirt with her, but had friends there that would prohibit, and you know, whatever else.


I dont know, I think i could have had a chance, but im so shy its not funny.


anyways say i go in again, and get lucky enough to see her


how would i go about getting in future contact? I wanted to her MY number last night... Is that bad? the guy leaving the girl his number???


I would at least just like to get to talk to her... see what it all about.

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sup, man.. yea, that ain't a bad idea about you leavin her your number. i've been in a similar position where i was in this place by myself waiting for my food to be ready and i saw this real cute girl lookin at me every now and then, but she was sittin with two of her friends and this place was kinda crowded. at least you've broken the ice and talked to this waitress already, so if she is interested, givin her your number might make her feel less pressure and more comfortable instead of her having to give out her number to someone she doesn't know. but either way, as long as you make some kind of attempt to let her know how you feel about her such as askin if she wants to get together sometime, then you should be alright. take it easy, man...

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I work at a "family fun park" type thing and I've had guys give me their numbers on tickets. I thought it was pretty clever, but because I don't believe in flirting with customers at work, I just threw them away. But if that girl is interested then there is a good chance she'll call you. You could put your number (and name) on a napkin and give it to her or something like that. There is nothing wrong with getting a guys number!


Great luck!

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Gee santa, thanks for the ego boost. Why do you say that? I think that if i were able to give her my number, i would be able to talk to her one on one, a) without my friends knowing, and while i can be alone etc. Also, that way she could call me if she felt comfortable enough, and if not, then no worries? to me it would be win win??? I just didnt know if it was "the thing" to do by giving her my number.


to those above, who said i should try it...


Would a business card (maybe with a note to her on the back or something) be good enough? I carry 2 sets of business cards, ones for work, and ones for my side-job which has my cell phone/toll-free number on it.


My only problem would be, is that i would have to "time it right" going back to the restaurant at a time when maybe i could see her again. I could go back on the same day near the same time, hoping to find her couldnt i, maybe in a week or so? And then i would have to try and talk her up again and see if i get the same vibe as before, and then maybe leave my card. I think that would be my only option, cause even sitting here thinking about asking her on the spot -- i get sick to my stomach, and i know i wouldnt be able to do it.


I know that i am better off right now, by trying with girls i dont know, and dont over analyze. If i get too far into it, it becomes 100x harder to do anything. Its gotta be all or nothing quick.


Help me out guys! I cant wait to hear what you have to say.

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Seeing that she is a waitress, she probably sees many faces on numerous occasions. By this, I suggest you go there next time you are available. If she isn't there, then it's ok. Chances are she'll have her shift when you're there eventually.


As for the whole phone number ordeal, the key is on making a good impression on her when you decide to give it to her. If you come off as chauvinistic and aggressive, then chances are she's not going to call you. thereforeeee try to relax when you see her and act charming when you talk to her. The easier you make her feel comfortable, the better the chance that she will more graciously accept your number and call back rather than toss it aside. Besides, she's just a stranger after all so there's nothing to lose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so heres my problem now.


I need a way or an excuse to go back to the restuarant, the reason for this is because i dont really like this restuarant, i went there the first time just to go and spend the gift card i got. It still has some money left on it so i guess thats my way in. Problem is, everyone knows i dont like going there.... you will read why i am concerned about an excuse to going there with friends -- the people who know i dont like it.


now for my next issue, is that, i think i have a better chance of talking to this girl and getting a convo going, if i am with my friends, because i am more open and social. If i go by myself, im all business, get the food, eat, get out... you know what i mean....


The sub problem is now the fact that, i dont think i could ever get any contact info exchanged with this girl, in front of my friends. I just dont want them making fun or whatever.



So now the question is:

- How do i get there? How do I go? Friends or By myself (pick up maybe)?

- What do i do when i get there? If she is not waiting on me, do i make an effort to say hi or anything.


I think that if i could somehow get her to call me, i would be the most at ease...


But thats me.




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You are thinking too much about how to get her your number and not getting her to like you enough to call. In my experience, it is way harder getting a girl to call you first than it is getting her number and setting up a date. You are in a pretty complex situation here, and it will be incredibly difficult pulling something off. For future reference, you should always make a move the first time you have a chance, because you may not have a second chance.


It will be hard making sure that she waits on you, and since you don't know her at all, I wouldn't really recommend approaching her while she is working and trying to start a conversation with her. You might get her into trouble, especially if she isn't waiting on you. The next thing is that you shouldn't be embarrassed exchanging info with a girl in front of your friends. That's the sort of thing that I would brag about with my friends.

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I was recently in the same position as you JasonQ. I had gone into a book store to pick up a book and met one of the booksellers who I had an instant attraction with. We had a very brief conversation and I left with no number. So I decided to go to the store again next week on the same day and time to buy another book, and use that as an excuse to see/talk to her. After the second time I was too shy to ask for her number. I went home and realized that I cant keep buying books just to talk to her so the next week (same day/time) I went in and asked for her email address, it was like the holy grail was in my hands! Hahah that was the first time i ever got a girl to give me her contact. So now we are communicating on MSN, i think i should have asked for her number, but oh well, maybe after she warms up to me online she'll give it. I suggest that you should go in the restaurant, with or without friends, order a meal if u want, and when she comes around, say that you remembered talking with her and enjoyed it and that you would like to get to know her a little. It doesnt hurt to be say something particular about her like "I remember you because of your cool hair" or something like that ... then she'll know that you noticed the little things about her. Goodluck dude, I hope you get her contact!


I agree with Bad_Disease, if you ever get see an opportunity to ask a girl for her number/email, go ahead and do it because getting a second chance is usually tougher and it requires you to out of your way. You will realize that you should have done it the first go around. Anyway, just something you should always be aware of.

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