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Going to the same party, what should I do?


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We're both 18, together for 3 years. He broke up with me 4-5 days ago.


He still wanted to talk and see each after we broke up and he wanted to help me with my college studies but I told him we couldn't see each other again if he was going to break up with me. Every time we have spoken he always say sorry and that he doesn't want me to fall out with him etc.


I found out this morning off a mutual friend that on Saturday we're going to be going to the same party as each other, we have a few mutual friends so I knew this would happen eventually but I didn't realise it would be so soon. I don't want to be cold towards him and completely ignore him but I don't know what to do? Should I just say hey and then avoid him for the rest of the night? The venue's pretty big so we might not bump into each other that much but I don't know how to handle it if we do.

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Skip the party and find something else to do until this wound is less fresh.


And you have a perfect right to never talk to him again and heal if he has dumped you. He doesn't get to stay your friend just because he wants to. The world is full of people for you to be friends with and it doesn't have to be an ex-BF who dumped you and broke your heart and who comes with all that emotional baggage.


Do what is right for YOU and forget about him and work to heal and move on and find someone new to date.

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I agree with the others, don't go at all. It is way too soon for you to see him on a social occasion, this can only set you back. Your mutual friend will certainly ask why you won't come in the end, you can either make up an excuse or tell him/her the truth. If that person is a true friend, he/she will understand. Right now you need to focus on yourself, even if that means distancing yourself from mutual friends.

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If you go, all you will be doing is looking for him, wondering who he is with then get mad if he talks to a girl or to multiple girls. You wont have a good time because youll be so worried about seeing him. I know you want to go to the party and put on a good front and show him you are doing okay. A party is not the venue to do it.

I would say don't go. Youll have plenty of other parties to go to. Find something else to do.

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