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Should I break no contact? Please help.

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It has been over 9 months since my break up from a 2.5 years relationship. I was the dumpee, and my Ex-gf was the dumper. We broke up for various reasons, such as me being immature, being too close with my female friends, and saying the wrong stuff.


We tried to be friends for the first 3 months but it did not work out since I still had feelings for her. In the end, I asked her to get back together with me but she rejected it. She seemed mad at me for asking for another chance and typed a pretty mean message with things such as "I can't remember anything happy from the relationship"...etc, and said that we shouldn't talk for a few months so things could calm down first. I replied telling her that I agree with what she said since I can't be friends with her when I still love her. A few weeks after that, she blocked my Facebook. That was in early December.


It has been nearly 6 months since we last spoke now. We do the same course at the same university so we see each other around, but we tend to ignore and avoid each other as much as possible, but we do sometimes make eye contact. I tried to not think about her as much as possible, and I focused more on addressing the things I've done wrong in the relationship. I also dedicated my time on preparing for exams, and didn't want anything to get in the way. So I prioritised getting my grades up over everything else, which I guess is the reason how I managed to remain in NC for 6 months straight. My exams are nearly over and done with now, and I am here thinking whether I should contact her or not.


Lately I feel like something is missing from my life, and the thing I'm missing is her. I don't know whether I am missing her as an actual person, or I'm just missing my imagination of "her" in my mind. I started having the urge to contact her and see what she is up to, and just start having conversations with her again.


So should I reach out and contact her again? I know there is a good chance that she might not reply, but I don't think I would be too upset if she doesn't. The worst part of the break-up is over already. If I do contact her I think I may add a line in my message saying "I completely understand if you do not want to talk to me. If you don't want to then please just ignore this and forget I ever sent this message. In that case I will just delete this number off my phone and leave you alone".


What do you guys think?

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Good job focusing on what's important after your break-up. You trying to get back together as the dumpee may seem like a good idea at times but is just going to send what little self-esteem you've built crashing down. Start pursuing other women and move on. Also be nicer to yourself, just because you did some things she didn't like in the relationship doesn't mean you were wrong.

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Good job focusing on what's important after your break-up. You trying to get back together as the dumpee may seem like a good idea at times but is just going to send what little self-esteem you've built crashing down. Start pursuing other women and move on. Also be nicer to yourself, just because you did some things she didn't like in the relationship doesn't mean you were wrong.


We both did things wrong. For me, there were definitely a lot of things that I should've handled better. Looking back I really do hate myself for doing such stupid things, but at the same time it is good to know that I won't repeat them.


Currently there is no one which interests me other than my Ex. Its either my feelings are still with her, or I haven't met anyone that I'm attracted to yet.

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Props to you for focusing on you after the breakup. It seems you were doing great. i honestly also think that the reason you miss her is because you havent made an attempt on a different woman. You are dwelling on the familiarity of your ex and attempting to go back to something that was already established. I think you should move on and try something new. Truth is maybe shes moved on to something new. She dumped you and i think she should be the first to make a move for any reconcilation Enjoy the single life and see whats out there man. You will move no where if you keep looking back.

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Do not contact her. There's a real reason why she does not want to talk to you and it's because she also needs space to get over a 2.5 year relationship. I know it's been 9 months but you are obvisously still thinking about her. You also need to stay strong and realize the relationship can not be fixed.

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Do not contact her. There's a real reason why she does not want to talk to you and it's because she also needs space to get over a 2.5 year relationship. I know it's been 9 months but you are obvisously still thinking about her. You also need to stay strong and realize the relationship can not be fixed.


Well it has been 6 months since I last talked to her so I don't know how she feels at the moment, but I would imagine that she would've calmed down a lot too. For now, yes I do miss her, but I think I can approach things with a more "happy-go-lucky" attitude. I know that broken relationships can't be fixed, but I've also heard that those that successfully gets back together with their Ex begins a new relationship. I've changed myself, and I'm sure she has too.


If she does get back into contact with me, I would be quite happy about it. But if she chooses not to talk to me, then I guess I wouldn't be too upset since I already anticipated that the chances of her talking to me is low. The only thing that I know right now is that if I don't do something, I may regret it in the future.

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