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I don't want to be here anymore

Woman soul

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The month of February my boyfriend left me... And ever since then I wake up everyday wanting to die... I don't attempt it but everyday I wake up angry for having to wake up and continue with a life I no longer want and I try everyday to be positive I don't have any family or friends who I can say I trust or I can count of financially im struggling because I'm lazy... I have no thrive or motivation.... I not only lost the man I love but also my best friend and all because of my controlling ways... I try to think that this is not the end of my life and I go to the gym and I tryed going to get ready to start school today but guess what just my en luck I come to register and they stole my car.... Yeah way to have a better life I know other people have it worser than me but at the end of the day I'm still suffering in a life I no longer want to live I just want to die already... They stole the one thing I had my car.... I'm en done I rather not live like this anymore

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I was trying..... But that just went down the drain today.... How can I start healing when every thing keeps pushing you down every time you try??? And I'm not blaming life I'm blaming myself.... I know it's me but I'm just at the lowest point that I don't even care anymore.... I wish I would just die and no I don't mean I'm gonna kill myself I mean I just wish not to wake up the next day

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I am so sorry for what you are going through right now. I understand the reasons that you don't want to live anymore, but know that the state you are in right now is only temporary. I was just like you a couple weeks ago. I posted here, I got some words of encouragement. I tried to develop a better relationship God by praying, reading the bible on a daily basis. I encourage you do the same. I advise to reach out to friends and relatives to support you. Don't do anything to hurt yourself, it s not worth it, trust me. God is in control and will see you through even though you are suffering right now, He knows why. May God bless and I ll keep you in my prayers.

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I was trying..... But that just went down the drain today.... How can I start healing when every thing keeps pushing you down every time you try??? And I'm not blaming life I'm blaming myself.... I know it's me but I'm just at the lowest point that I don't even care anymore.... I wish I would just die and no I don't mean I'm gonna kill myself I mean I just wish not to wake up the next day


Sorry you're hurting, Mayra. I think you need a boost in your positive thinking and to acknowledge that what you put out into the Universe is what you'll get back so it's best to think positive then to dwell on the negative.


Try reading "The Secret" and keep an open mind while doing so. In the meantime, please see your Doctor or your school guidance department for a referral to a counsellor whom can help you through the grief process.


(((feel better soon)))

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I know it feels like you want your life to just end, so you can be free of all this pain, but you need to believe me when I say it's a phase, and it will pass. Sometimes, when it rains it pours. It *is* life, it's not you. There are times in life when bad things happen one after the other after the other, you ask yourself 'when is this ever going to end?'. But the good news is that it does eventually, and things all of a sudden start to look up.

You already know that no man is worth dying for. As unbelievable as it is right now, you will meet and love another one, and another...

If you could get some counselling to help though the process, it would be great.

In the meantime, try to take care of yourself and believe in tomorrow.

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Thanks everyone but this feeling is over whelming I'm not strong.... I just went threw a break up and tell me if I deserve to have more things to be put in my back like getting my car stolen no!!!! I can no longer have faith in a better tomorrow when all I see is negativity coming each time I try to take a positive route... I don't know how others do but I just wish to not exist....

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