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for the past few weeks things havent been the same between me and my boyfriend.i find myself not wanting to hang out with him and make up excuses and i dont like talking to him as long on the phone any more. it used to be so much fun at the beginning..but idk..it just got dull. i dontknow if i should give it sometime or if i should breakup with him. i want some time apart but i cant just say that to him. i get so angry over dumb things and could break up with him but idk how to do it..everyone gives me advice like...just be honest..or just tell him its not working out..the usual break up lines..but i cant say that to him. ive cheated on him a few times...yesterday for instance. my friend came over and me and him fooled around. i had so much fun away from my bf and with this other guy. hes asked me out a few times but i cant date him, hes a really big player..more of a friends with benefit type guy. im young and i wanna be single and have fun..but all of my friends have bf's and i feel like the outsider when im single so i think that may be the reason im not letting him go, cuz i dont wanna be alone. i know i shouldnt string him along if im not feeling him any more cuz i know he cares about me waaay more than im feeling him. so what should i do?..can any one help me out?

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I think you should be honest with your boyfriend. Don't give him "a line." That isn't fair to him. What about saying something like, "I don't feel enough romantic feelings for you to continue this relationship." Just be nice to him about it. I think if you see a breakup coming, it's better to do it sooner, rather than later. Don't worry about being the only single one among your friends. Like you said, go out and have fun. Romances in high school don't always last - chances are your friends will soon be single too. Good luck!

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I think that because you're so young, unsure and not interested, that you should break it off with him. You don't seem to be ready to settle down yet, and that's a good thing at your age. Or any age. Or maybe he's just simply not the one if you are ready to settle down.

You should just let him know exactly how you feel. Tell him and say "you know, I'm feeling like things are getting a bit dull here, and I'm wanting to break it off with you. You and I can both have fun with other people." etc.

If you're willing, there's no reason why you two can't be friends afterwards, too.

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I agree with the others posts. Don't have him think everything is OK when it isn't and just keep him around because you don't want to be the only one without a bf. He is a human being, not a fashion accessory; he deserves a gf who wants him for who he is not what he represents.

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