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Stay in new town or move back 'home'?


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My now-ex has decided he doesn't want to work on building a better relationship and wants to break up. We are currently living in a flat that he bought. He moved to this town first, then I followed four months later when a job transfer was finally in place. Been here about 8 months now. My job is menial, not related to my qualifications but kept it to have a basic income. I have no friends or family here. I'm very peeved that we haven't even made it a year together in the new town, I wish it had all come to light sooner so that I never went through with the move.


Can't change that now though so trying to decide on the best step forward:


1) He crashes at a friends place while he rents the flat to me until I find a better job, probably in another city. I already want to rule this out because I'll just be reminded of the RL with all our things here. It's not fair on him either because it's his place first and foremost and sleeping on couches is no way to live.


2) I find somewhere new in this town, for 6 months or so. I'll keep my job while I search for a better one and use this town as a base to travel from. Downside is, I took a significant paycut to move here so my monthly wage will go straight on rent, so anything else I will need to eat into my savings. I have no social life here and don't make friends easily, worried I'll fall into depression like my last big break up.


3) Quit the job and move back to hometown with family. I'd have support that way with people physically being there but I was already home for years after uni so this feels like a massive set back. It's not ideal for them either with another person using up bathroom time and getting in the way. And obviously there's no guarantee how quickly I'd find a new job, and the hometown is fairly out the way/rural.


Anyone been in a similar situation?

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