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I need help. Or at least some insight/advice. Im having trouble living myself. In fact, most of the time i haye myself. The way i look, the things i say, how i feel and react. I could pick myself apart all day. This is effecting my relationships and i feel out of control. 2 years ago i began a weightloss journey and was fully commited. I dropped most of the weight i needed in about 4 months. I was feeling great!! A few things happened and i found myself invested all time and feelings into the situation. I feel like ive lost myself. Im 30lbs away from my goal weight but cant seem to focus on my goal. Im so easily sidetracked and discouraged which is even more frustrating because i was so motivated before and felt unstoppable. I cant figure out how to pull myself out of this! I just want to work toward happiness. I want to love myself amd i feel like im getting deeper and deeper into a depression that i cant escape. How can i get motivated and change my mind. Please help me!!

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Hello! As a start, I assume that it's not just the weight loss, right? If you don't mind asking me, what else bothers you? But losing weight and getting into shape is a great starter. If you don't mind me asking: how much did you originally weigh and what is your goal?

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Well this is actually the second time ive lost a significant amount of weight. First when i was 17 i went from 263 to 147 in about a year. Then i became pregnant with my son. The relationship with his father was so stressful i used food as comfort through my pregnancy. Eventually gaining back 100lbs of what i lost! Then when my son turned two, i decided i was done being overweight (again) so i got up and did something about it. I went from weighing in at 225 to 175 in about 4.5 months. So now im stuck at 185-190 and i dont want to put in the weight again. Im having an issue putting myself first Nd cant find the right way to get and stay motivated

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Congrats on your weight loss journey. Make a visit to see the doctor sometimes low levels of vitamins can lead to depressive symptoms. You said you had trouble putting yourself first, evaluate what else is going on in your life so you can adjust it and make necessary changes to once again put your health first. Try giving yourself positive affirmations in the beginning and throughout the day. Another good tool is to journel or write about your thought, feelings, or opinions everyday. It can be a paragraph or a page long. Takes some time out for yourself and do something regularly that makes you happy.

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Happiness is not a destination. If you're going to be happy it's here and now. Like everyone else you've done what you can with the tools you've got. There's nothing to judge. You don't need to do anything to deserve happiness and love. You deserve just as much love and support as everyone else. Cut yourself some slack. You're doing just fine.

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I agree with the previous posts: being happy is not a destination, it's a state of mind that can start right now. My suggestion is to break everything into concrete manageable bits that you can handle one at a time. For example, for your weight, you could plan meals and simply increase your physical activity level. Your metabolism will increase and if you keep your calorie intake relatively constant, you will melt. Don't need to hit the gym like a pro athlete. #slowlyButSurely Thanks for sharing!

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