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Why does it have to be impossible to remove your sex drive?


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Why does it have to be impossible to remove your desire for a girlfriend, companionship with the opposite sex? I often wonder, why did God, Evolution, give Beta Males a sex drive, installed them with a desire for wanting a girlfriend, companionship, when some guys are just naturally hopeless with women, at approaching and talking to them attracting them, etc.


I got this quote from an e-book about approaching and attracting women, sadly I feel the author is right, he says:


"A Man will often distract himself with work, p*rn, hobbies, his friends, or other things in an attempt to mask the pain of being unsuccessful with women. No matter what they do, nothing replaces their primal, innate, instinctive desire to have a loving, intimate, sexual relationship with a real woman.


Accepting defeat is not going to fix any of your issues with women. Your desire to have sex with women and be loved by women is not going to go away if you play more computer games, video games, other hobbies, working harder on your job, career, education, or making more money. You want women and that is that, it is not going to go away."


That just angered me and pissed me off, if you want to know why I am filled with bitterness and resentment, it's because I've been single for all of my 27 years of living on this Earth, been rejected, friend-zoned too many times, obviously still a virgin, I feel too old to get a girlfriend, too old to start, since most people start in their teens or early 20's, I remember a person pissed me off by saying to me:


"plenty of people are still looking for love in their 50s. Sure, they might not be virgins or inexperienced, but being older has not stopped them."


Still, I feel I wasted my youth, i'm aware that it was my responsibility since me being a guy i'm god damn responsible for everything in life. If I can fix my issues with women and start having a dating life/sex life, i'm worried that I won't start having that until my 30's, which I feel i'm past my prime.

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I get the feeling you are more looking to vent than for any kind of constructive advice.


I'm sorry you're hurting. I hope you can find some clarity soon. Keep venting if it helps.


well I wish there was a way I could remove my desire for a girlfriend, since I can't picture myself ever getting one

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How ridiculous. What a self defeating, negative view you have of yourself!


Of course you want a GF, to find love, to feel loved. We all do. If you've had problems in the past then do something about it.


Go and speak to a counsellor, find out what it is about you that creates this situation and get active in creating a different reality for yourself. There are also sex therapists if you want to go down that route.


Virgins of all ages are not unusual. It might surprise you how many there are. It's just that they don't go broadcasting it to everyone.

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How ridiculous. What a self defeating, negative view you have of yourself!


Of course you want a GF, to find love, to feel loved. We all do. If you've had problems in the past then do something about it.


Go and speak to a counsellor, find out what it is about you that creates this situation and get active in creating a different reality for yourself. There are also sex therapists if you want to go down that route.


Virgins of all ages are not unusual. It might surprise you how many there are. It's just that they don't go broadcasting it to everyone.


c'mon, being a virgin at age 27 is absolutely completely pathetic!!!!, I also hate it whenever I have gotten reassurance from women saying that I'm lucky to be a man because I don't have a biological clock, that angered me more because the fact that women are on the receiving end of sexual attention and requests for dating/relationships, while men have to be assertive and always take the god damn ****in' lead, do all the work in order for a date or relationship to happen, and that women are valued for their youth more than men are, it kinda makes me jealous and envious of women more so than guys who were successful at getting girls in their teens and 20's, because when women are in their late teens and throughout their 20's, its like they are guaranteed or owed, entitled to a date, relationship since they have a lot of options when they are young and don't have to do anything about it in terms of taking action, all they have to do is say yes or no before anything, yes I know life is not fair but because of what I stated above I feel its easier for women to enjoy their youth and prime than it is for men, if a man wants to enjoy his youth and prime he better have good social-skills, conversation-skills, be very outgoing, be extroverted instead of introverted.

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