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Firstly, I apologise for the trivial nature of this question. I'm a 17 year old girl and there's this boy in one of my classes I just cant get out of my head. He's so lovely and intelligent and a bit of a 'loner'. It's pathetic but i've never felt this way before; I literally sit in bed crying over how much I want him. The other day I saw when I was shopping with my mum and I saw him working there; he smiled at me and I was just ridiculoudly eccstatic. Today I was put in his group in class and I could not speak. Every word dissapeared from my head and I was so sad because I feel that if he geniunely saw my true personality he would like me; but I just don't know how to make him see. I'm a generally shy person, but it's even worse around him: I'm so awkward and I can barely look in his eyes. Please give me advice to make him notice me

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He smiled at you when he saw you shopping with your mum so he obviously has noticed you otherwise he wouldn't have smiled at you. If he is a "loner" then it would make him happy having someone new to talk to so when you see him next in school say hey. I know its hard for you because you're shy but if he is a "loner" than its most likely that he is also shy too. When I was 17 I was really very shy too and couldn't even look a guy in the eye, but I learnt that once you do start looking them in the eye it shows them that you're listening and that you're confident even though you're not feeling confident. The more you talk to guys the more you will get used to it and eventually you won't be so shy so give it a go and say hey to him!

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