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He broke up with me 7 days before the wedding...but i want him back so much.

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Hon, this was really awful that he did this a week before the wedding. There was no thought about how this would affect you, and all the time you had put into a future with him in his country. Very selfish!


One thing I don't understand: if he had a low-level job, how could he pay for so many things?


In time, you will see him for who he is. I hope it is sooner, than later.

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Some money from his dad and some from himself. His job for me is not that low-paid. But i think he feel left behind by family and friends who are so successful...

I have to accept that me and him were leaning on his dad's support too much. In the past 5 years, we traveled and only having fun without building important basis for having a family. I even had this stupid thought that his dad would help me anyway if i am in difficult situation.

Somehow i learned a lot from this also. I was so immature and such a dreamer...

I had this insecurity all along also that he won't be able to take care of me with out his family support but i thought i would find a job there eventually and then i don't have to lean on him.

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