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confronting him today


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Boyfriend said he couldn't wait to marry me. I said I distant to get married. He hasn't talked to me in sixteen days and changed phone number ....going to his house to confront him. He will be shocked since he thinks I'm too shy

He owes me 1000 bucks

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Is it really over a $1000? Or is that the excuse you are trying to convince yourself? You could get the money without ever talking to him. But you want to prove a point whatever that is. You really think if you show up at his door that he is just going to cut you a check? Or say Oh here is your cash? If you want your money, then you file a suit in small claims court. Otherwise what you are doing is just being a girl who got burned by a liar. Again.

BTW... anytime one uses the word 'Confront' in a situation, it rarely ends happily.

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I think you need to be honest with yourself about your purpose. Are you looking to apologize and get back together or are you just trying to get your money back?


As for the money, if this visit doesn't work, send a certified letter, return signature. Build up a document trail that he owes you this and you intend to collect. Threaten to get an attorney. As for filing in small claims court, all a court does is grant you a judgment, assuming you can prove that you lent it to him as opposed to gifted it. Collecting the judgment.....good luck on that one. If he is sick, not working and doesn't have anything, you'll squeeze blood out of a stone faster. In short think before you waste even more money on him.


When it comes to loaning money to your SO, look at it as a gift that will never be returned rather than a loan and then ask yourself if you can honestly afford that kind of a gift. If the answer is no, then you tell your SO that you are really sorry but you just don't have those kinds of funds. Life lessons learned.

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Honestly considering the fact that he went as far as changing his number, I would chalk this up as a lesson learned and NOT go to his house. He's not going to greet you with a warm hug. If anything he might think you're crazy. I also would cut my losses on getting your money back. This is also a lesson learned on not lending someone money...especially someone that lives at a distance. JMO....

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It's not crazy to show up at someone's home to collect a thousand dollars she is owed... especially when the other person changes phone numbers.


Does he owe her the money? Yes. Is her chances of actually getting it going to improve because she shows up and demands it?? Likely not. What will likely ensue is drama and hurt feelings. No need to unnecessarily put herself in a losing situation.

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If you two were dating at the time then you will have to show how it was a loan and not a gift. The burden of proof is yours, so youll have to find something saying he knows he owes you the money and he will pay you back. As Dancing fool said if you win, then its a pain to get him to pay. Judge Judy or a show like that might actually be your best bet. If you win, you will walk out with a check in your hand while the loser will owe the production company and good luck not paying them.

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