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I just caught up with all of your threads. Sorry for the late reply.


I gotta say that I think things have been left where they need to be..... but I've said that a few times, and you both keep going back at each other for more.


As you can see now in hindsight, listening to K and reacting to it, no matter whether it was justified or not, was actually not the best thing. In this case, any reaction to something that didn't come DIRECTLY from your EXes mouth was an over-reaction.


There was a time a few months ago when the two of you were talking to each other and behaving normally. At that time I said be careful.... if you let her drag you into her confusion, it will get messy.


By negotiating, spying, and otherwise waging this war through friends and acquaintances, the two of you have ended up getting dragged back into the whole thing.


I don't think this was ever YOUR intention.... but like I said, when you love someone, passion can make it all too easy to get dragged back into what they are thinking... in this case she was confused, so her confusion contaminated you like a disease.


To be quite honest (and I'm not criticizing, cuz I went through almost the same thing), in the end, this started to look like a high-school drama.




Next time you hear something about the EX, shrug it off. If there is something important, she can call you. If someone tries to bait you (one of her friends, for example), say "oh, well that's nice, I hope things work out for her" or "oh, well I'm sure if she had something to say, she would call me herself".


You need time to heal right now, and she needs to get her head on straight.


Be the strong one and stop this from spinning out of control any longer.


All the best,



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