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So confused! - appreciate any help


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Hi guys,


I'll keep this short -


I broke up with my now ex some 18 months ago and while doing some dating I haven't really 'felt' anything for anyone since. However I was recently out at a party and a friend randomly introduced me to someone. We were all quite drunk and being silly and so my friend announced that this guy has had a crush on me for some time. And that he looks at my Facebook pics often over the past few weeks ...


I thought nothing of it and the teasing was all in good jest, however a couple of my friends including him came back to my house and we ended up cuddling on the couch. He left after a few hours but I couldn't stop thinking about him.


We met up again a few days later with a group of friends and he stayed the night. We kissed for hours and it felt very intense. However he then disappeared early in the morning, his reason being that he felt sick.


We've kept in touch since and he has been very forward on text - we planned to meet again today but he is again sick.


I've wished him well and hope he gets better and said I'm around if he wants to meet up some other time.


I can't help myself in having really random thoughts like these bouts of sickness are just excuses and that he doesn't really like me. I have a feeling in my gut that all isn't well with this also.


Moreover I'm just really confused as to what's going on and I'm trying to stay cool as its only been a matter of weeks.


Any advice or perspective here would be greatly appreciated.



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