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I don't .... fully understand dating.


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I mean like .... going out on a date with someone. I'm not taken by anybody. I went on a date last week ... and well, it went really fast, we did ... stuff. We're not together though .... we actually talked about that, he explained that he probably can't do a relationship, but that could change .... idk. I'm okay with it though. Now .... I'm really confused, because there's somebody in a college course of mine that I've been interested in for a while now, and he was hitting on me the other day. .... I don't know if it's okay for me to try to, and try to go on a date or something with him? ... It doesn't feel right. I talked to the first guy about it, but ..... it still doesn't feel right? But I really want to do it. I'm confused ... and don't know what's right, I guess.

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Dating, just dating, is not being exclusive. Not even close although plenty of people will treat it as that. This first guy, you don't owe him an explanation, need to get his permission, need to say anything at all. He doesn't want a relationship, remember? He just tossed out the "maybe someday" in the hopes that'd be enough promise for you to hang around rather than go date other guys who might want something.


In fact, you could date three men on the same night, running from room to room, and never have to give them so much as a "I am doing this" if that suited your fancy. Especially not in the beginning, especially not with anyone who says they don't want a relationship but someday might. In short, you don't owe this guy or the other one jack all, but your time and curiosity to see if there's anything there. And if guys number three and four happen by I say get their numbers and date them too.


So you want to go out with this other fellow then go. It is a mistake to think that one date means you now have to act like some faithful wife to a guy who already told you he didn't want anything serious. The honest truth is until you both have the "We are not going to see other people, let's me exclusive" talk which should come down the road a bit AFTER you get to know each other you and he and the world are and should be dating multiple people.


Toss out the "I'm not a good girl if I date two men at the same time" message in your head. Believe me this guy you just went on a date is not going to stress if he meets another girl, "Well, what will girl number one think, oh dear I should pass this up even if I did say we aren't exclusive." Nope, he won't even be thinking about you, he'll be thinking, "Hey, I didn't promise anyone anything, I'm a free agent and I'm going to go for it."


And you should too.

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Maybe you've decided you don't like the feeling of having sex with one guy and then going on a date with another one the following week. If that's what feels weird, just change your way of dating. Don't sleep with a guy on the first date. Have fun doing other things for a while. If you just like concentrating on one guy at a time, that's fine. Whatever works for you is the right thing. When I was younger, even though I had five guys call me in the same week and they were all cute, one stood out from the rest. I liked to concentrate on only one and see where it went. That's how I was, and other people would have had the time of there lives with five, but I couldn't do it. Know what your dating goals are, and make sure your needs are getting met. Don't date anyone who has a different goal than you. Good luck and have fun.

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I mean like .... going out on a date with someone. I'm not taken by anybody. I went on a date last week ... and well, it went really fast, we did ... stuff. We're not together though .... we actually talked about that, he explained that he probably can't do a relationship, but that could change .... idk. I'm okay with it though. Now .... I'm really confused, because there's somebody in a college course of mine that I've been interested in for a while now, and he was hitting on me the other day. .... I don't know if it's okay for me to try to, and try to go on a date or something with him? ... It doesn't feel right. I talked to the first guy about it, but ..... it still doesn't feel right? But I really want to do it. I'm confused ... and don't know what's right, I guess.


Dating is a process. A relationship is most often the goal of dating. You can date for whatever reason you want.


Sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone to learn, and become better daters. There's people in their 50s who don't understand dating. Trust me, I've dated some off them. Relax and try to enjoy the adventure.


Be wary of men in your age group that want to go fast. As a former young man I can say safely a lot of them will be thinking with their little head, not their big head.

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