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Take your time... Work on yourself first inside and out and then start to look at finding a match. If theres things u need to work on then work on them because if u meet someone they are only gonna fill the void temporarily. Happiness comes within...not through another person. If the person leaves then u are left feeling sad again. I used to be like that jumping from relationship to relationship but it wasnt good. Im single first time in many years working on me. I am saying this to u because i been through it. And i was picking all the wrong men...when they left i was a mess because i put all my happiness in them.. They say the men u pick is a reflection of yourself so thats when i knew something needed to be fixed in me.... Get to know yourself. Make a list of what u want in a guy and also list what u wont tolerate. Once your standards are high u wont settle for anything less. u have a good start already with your self worth being that u stick to your guns. U havent chased him.

U also didnt let him get what he wanted. So your off to a good start.

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I've been working on focusing on myself and learning to love myself more. I may even go to some therapy because every day has been a struggle. Not just because of my break up but other personal and family issues. This past year has been a year of change for me and I've had trouble adapting to it. I wish I could turn back time but that is impossible. But I think for a while until I have gotten some help I'll stay single and focus on me. Thank u

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  • 3 weeks later...

There is one thing I forgot to mention in this post and that's that this was my first relationship. That's why I keep posting threads because it's helped me. I didn't want to say it was my first one earlier because I figured I'd get judged for ranting on and on about the same thing. But thank you to those who have taken the time to read my posts and give feedback. It has helped me a lot more than I realized.

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