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Whoever told you that if you slept with him he wouldn't have left you is an idiot, sorry to say lol. I think you are a really strong person for not sleeping with him since you weren't ready. If he truly cared about you with real feelings then he would have waited and wanted you to feel comfortable enough due to your inexperience. Instead he dipped with no explanation, which probably would have happened eventually anyway since that just seems like his character from what you describe. I think you should be EXTREMELY proud of yourself for not doing something until you feel ready, and you will come accross someone who will wait for you trust me they're out there. Keep you head up you did the right thing and come here and rant whenever you like, that's what were here for

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@ prettycutie....i hear what youre saying totally. In normal relationships either a guy has a convo about leaving or atleast u have a clue why the relationship is ending. And its normal for women to want that clue. But u need to know some people arent normal. They think this is normal to run but think about it. Any sane person would not run and leave someone flat ....even if they HATEad them they would argue and say something . .. and u will ask yourself this question daily. Im going thru it. Every relationship that eneded the guy told me why or vice versa. Theres reasons. However my last ex ran just like ur ex did. We shared xmas together. Exchanged gifts and love notes and a week later BOOM...he said he didnt want a gf and blocked me from his cellphone. Never heard a peep ever. I chased him like nuts demanding answers. Im like just be honest. I will accept any answer so i can move on...i was Tryin to get him on his email. Or his other cell.... He never answered me so i gave up. Made me feel worse to look desperate but i dont regret chasing. I had feelings and any human who is lead on by love will chase who they love. The man should be ashamed for running... Not US for pouring our hearts. They lied to us ! Its not love. Just as someone said before, its narcassistic behavior. The most we can do is pick up the pieces and find faith in something....that this closed door will be a chance for somethig better. Like u, i tried dating but i cant trust any guys now. Anyone could be lying since i had a guy lie for months about love and how we would get engaged . Yea right !!. My advice to u is be alone. Just work on u for now. Emotionally heal firstt. if u have to demand an answer from him then do it ....but from one girl to another who chased .....it didnt get me anywhere. The only positive is that i can say i tried it all. If he got my messages and ignored, thats on him, but my slate is clean. Goodluck

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Thank you all for replying and letting me read your thoughts. It really means a lot to me it's like we are all in this together and all can relate...but yeah. I haven't tried contacting him once and it's been 6 weeks sine he "vanished." Each day is a struggle because I think or am reminded of him in some way, shape or form, and I WANT to text him for an answer ...but I just can't do it. After what he's done to me and after what he's put me through, no matter how much I want to tell him off...I can't. I blocked him off my Facebook and deleted him out of my life.


I'm assuming since he kept me on his snapchat and facebook he didn't bother deleting me from his phone. Or block me. But if he did then so be it. It's for the best in the long run.


But long story short, he added me on snapchat and asked how I was and from there....it just evolved. Our "relationship." He claimed he was thinking about me for a few months yet during those months I know he was still taken with another girl. But like why use snapchat as an excuse to talk to Me. Is he that pathetic he can't be bothered to shoot me a text? I have guys text Me who are taken. There's no excuse for this randomly coming back to me 2 years later.


Anyways, a couple days after he got back in touch with me, we want out on I guess what he called a date and after that night asked me to be his gf. Quite rushed, but of course I was oblivious to that fact. Sorry, but just because you've known someone for years doesn't mean you can ask them out within 48 hours of getting back in touch. I've just never felt so betrayed and heart broken. I really thought he was the one because he's a master at sweet talk. I just thank god this all happened within a short amount of time instead of months later.

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And it's not that I didn't want to......go further into the relationship physically with him. It's just at that time he wanted to, I didn't feel comfortable with it. But he didn't even take that into consideration. He rushed everything now that I look back on it.


Also, I didn't know him well enough or we didn't have enough time before dating to get to know each other more for me to feel more attracted towards him. I should've said that to him or something like it but I was afraid he'd leave if i did.


But little did I know...

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To add on another note, I know some have explained why guys say, including him, they'll never leave and things like that, then just leave. It makes no sense to me logically. To me, if you truly like someone and want to BE with them, you'll make that effort. But it makes me feel he didn't want me for me but wanted his own satisfaction, which obviously he didn't get so he bailed like a child.

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To add on another note, I know some have explained why guys say, including him, they'll never leave and things like that, then just leave. It makes no sense to me logically. To me, if you truly like someone and want to BE with them, you'll make that effort. But it makes me feel he didn't want me for me but wanted his own satisfaction, which obviously he didn't get so he bailed like a child.


Guys like him say it purely for their own benefit. If someone is saying it only two weeks in, it is not something that should be taken seriously ... just like a guy who very randomly asks you to be his gf shouldnt be trusted, especially when you know he can't be without a gf and you hadn't even so much as had a conversation beforehand, much less a date!


In your case, it was never about feelings or emotions. It was about getting laid and/or to fill the current vacant position of girlffriend.

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Prettycutie its true...these type of guys did this to other girls before. Before me, my ex cut off girls without explanations so i should have seen the red flag. Im sure your ex keeps doing this to fill a void inside him. He prob has more issues than u know. These types are never happy.

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Yes!! But It just isn't the best when someone turns out to be someone who you'd have no idea would be like that, you know? I mean, I had a hunch he'd be like this but I thought for me he'd change since he claimed to like me so much for so long but people change. Every day people are changing and it's something we all have to accept even if it is painful.

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Even though it's only been 6 weeks I'm a lot better than I was but I still feel a huge hole in my heart. I still feel like I've lost something very dear to me. I know I'm not alone in this but it will take at least a few months to feel somewhat back to normal. People can be so cruel and deceiving just to satisfy themselves.

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Yea the single life sucks I agree. But I must say every day gets easier without the exes. Today its been over 2 months since speaking last with mine. You are at the 6 week mark . I totally get it. Its too soon for u to see any good but it gets easier. Ps props to u for never chasing after him . U stayed away.that is great

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@mandeelove...thank u. It is difficult but I'm getting there. I've wanted to contact him so bad but I haven't. I know he won't reply and if he did it wouldn't even matter. I already know he's onto a new girl or trying to so it's his life ya know. But it always gets harder before it gets easier. Even if i was to contact him he doesn't deserve me. Just 2 more weeks then I'll be at 2 month mark like u

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Logically though, you'd think a guy would stay with a girl he already has and eventually getting what he wants instead of dumping her and trying to find another girl. I know he's already jumping to other girls since he's on online dating apps now. To me I'd think if you leave you must not have been that desperate but online dating isn't easy. Well for me it hasn't been. But who knows, maybe he's meeting up with random girls now. Wouldn't surprise me..

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