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Do guys regret breaking up?


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No. Guys are totally without regret. We make no bad decisions ever. And furthermore, we always breakup for great reasons and we never ever question ourselves. When we breakup with a woman, we are healed the very next day and often times find another girlfriend within a few short weeks. Most of the time that very next girlfriend becomes our wife. This wife shall bare 2 children. One female (with regret). One male (without regret).


I hope that answers your question about guys. We never regret things. Nope. Never

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I think it depends on so many factors. What was the relationship like? Were there any other contributing factors to the break-up? etc.


Personally, I've only ever broken up with someone due to myself losing feelings once. I never regretted it.


So you don't believe feelings can come back once they're gone?

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So you don't believe feelings can come back once they're gone?

Not necessarily. Like I said, it all depends on an infinite amount of factors.


My ex was going to break up with me 1.5 years before the actual relationship ended. She had lost feelings for me. We were long distance at the time, and she came to visit me in hopes of spending one nice last weekend with me before ending things (unbeknownst to me, at the time). Turns out, she regained the feelings she had for me during that weekend, and chose to stay in a relationship with me. She was able to move back with me, and we were together for another 1.5 years after that - it was absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, life had it that she had to move away from me again, and we sort of went down the same road. This time, there wasn't any saving it.


So yes, it's possible. There aren't any cookie-cutter answer when it comes to love. My advice is not to dwell on whether your ex might or not, but to move on in the mean time. If he does want to reconcile sometime in the future, then you'll be able to make a decision from a much better place emotionally. If not, then you'll already have moved on, and that's that.

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So yes, it's possible. There aren't any cookie-cutter answer when it comes to love. My advice is not to dwell on whether your ex might or not, but to move on in the mean time. If he does want to reconcile sometime in the future, then you'll be able to make a decision from a much better place emotionally. If not, then you'll already have moved on, and that's that.


Thank you for this, you're definitely right

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No. Guys are totally without regret. We make no bad decisions ever. And furthermore, we always breakup for great reasons and we never ever question ourselves. When we breakup with a woman, we are healed the very next day and often times find another girlfriend within a few short weeks. Most of the time that very next girlfriend becomes our wife. This wife shall bare 2 children. One female (with regret). One male (without regret).


I hope that answers your question about guys. We never regret things. Nope. Never

Hahahaha a ...that cracked me up. Lol

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No. Guys are totally without regret. We make no bad decisions ever. And furthermore, we always breakup for great reasons and we never ever question ourselves. When we breakup with a woman, we are healed the very next day and often times find another girlfriend within a few short weeks. Most of the time that very next girlfriend becomes our wife. This wife shall bare 2 children. One female (with regret). One male (without regret).


I hope that answers your question about guys. We never regret things. Nope. Never


Love it!!! lol

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So - typically a person decides he/she is no longer in love not because she's not ready for a committed relationship - but because she does not see the person she is with as having potential for the long term. You don't "lose" or "catch" feelings - you feel a certain way and then you choose to react to those feelings in a certain way. He wasn't feeling it so instead of choosing to see if he felt differently in a few days or weeks or choosing to see if changes could be made so that he'd feel more comfortable with you, he decided to act on his feelings by leaving the relationship.


If he then misses having you in his life and realizes he made a mistake he might make a different choice but I would not wait around in the least. Live your life.

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That's what brought me here.


I don't want to give you false hope, but, I do think that guys tend to feel good at first, and, then, bad later on whereas women tend to be the other way around. As others have said, though, there are no hard and fast rules. You're talking about humans, here. We're all pretty much insane. Anything can happen - both good and bad.

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I think if feelings have really dissappeared, then no, they don't come back.


There has to be some sense of longing, some sense of regret, some sense of what might have been to go back to someone. If they've lost that, if they don't wonder about you once in a while, there is no going back.

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Me and my ex ended mutually and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't regret it. So yeah, here's a guy that regrets breaking up



Great comment 👍 a man that actually isn't scared to admit how he really feels! Think this is where a lot of men go wrong! Scared to show how they really feel lol or put on a front! Of course men regret things otherwise there wouldn't be so many reconciliation stories!! Or hear that men come running back xx

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Great comment 👍 a man that actually isn't scared to admit how he really feels! Think this is where a lot of men go wrong! Scared to show how they really feel lol or put on a front! Of course men regret things otherwise there wouldn't be so many reconciliation stories!! Or hear that men come running back xx


Thanks Stephie. You're right, but it's easy enough to do on here using hindsight. I think had I communicated a bit better during my relationship then maybe things would have worked out for me.

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Ok striaght out I will say "yes" I regret the break up with my ex even if she is the one who broke up with me. I could have won her back but she was unsure, I didn't have the strength to continue the fight as I needed to rest myself. She is with another guy at the moment and saying they are just "friends" but there is nothing I can do about it. She will bore of him I know because she is not happy with him. Will but will it be too late who knows.......

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That's what brought me here.


I don't want to give you false hope, but, I do think that guys tend to feel good at first, and, then, bad later on whereas women tend to be the other way around. As others have said, though, there are no hard and fast rules. You're talking about humans, here. We're all pretty much insane. Anything can happen - both good and bad.


Did that happen to you (where you felt good at first?) and did you break up with her?

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My post was sarcastic. Why? Because gender has absolutely NOTHING to do with someone regretting something they did. Period.


I never asked you if it did. My post was just a question on whether someone will regret and stated our sexes so you guys will have more information. So, yeah, I don't know what you're getting at.

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I never asked you if it did. My post was just a question on whether someone will regret and stated our sexes so you guys will have more information. So, yeah, I don't know what you're getting at.


Your subject is "do GUYS regret breaking up?" If you weren't considering someones gender as a differential for regretting a breakup then you should have asked "do PEOPLE regret breaking up?". Being male or female has nothing to do with it at all. Us guys won't have any more information about regretting a breakup than gals would have. Lots of people regret breakups initially. Sometimes its justified and other times its not and eventually they realize that it was in fact the right thing to do.


Sounds to me like you are justifying a possible way back in by researching if there is a chance he just didn't mean what he said and secretly wishes that you would reach out and come back to him. If he wanted to be with you, he would reach out. I highly doubt that he isn't reaching out because he is embarrassed to go back on his decision. There is no logic at all to that notion. And if that's the case then he has some issues anyway and really isn't worth your time in the first place. It's not your job to stop his own ego from getting in the way of a relationship with you. But again, highly doubtful that's the case. And if it were the case, it still would have nothing to do with being male or female.

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Did that happen to you (where you felt good at first?) and did you break up with her?

I did break up with her. It was complicated, but I didn't break up with her because I no longer loved her. So, it was hard when I did it. It got much harder later when she asked for NC (we called it something else, but....) Even though I'm with somebody else now and I have a full life, I still miss her.

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