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I know it's not a good idea but I want to break no contact.

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She was special to me and we connected in a way I've never experienced before. But there were so many red flags, things I haven't mentioned and things I'd be embarrassed to say about her to you guys. But she didn't treat me like crap during our time together, only the last few days. I have saved so many things that she said to me that were just amazing to hear. But there are millions of girls out there who would treat me with more respect and would be better for me so I'm not sure why I'm so attached.


I won't send anything because I wouldn't be ready for her to ignore that. There will come a time when I no longer think of her or have feelings for her, and I have a feeling that may be soon.


Thank you and everyone else who has offered their help. It's nice to know there's a community out there as great as you all.

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