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Are Vaccinations safe for a 2 1/2 month old baby?


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Somewhere on the news there was a daycare that was starting the vaccination process for the second needle early for children. I guess the children in their daycare had become exposed to measles. To have immunity you need the two needles.


They are also discussing revaccinating people who received vaccination after 1970.

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My friend (who is 36) actually got measles when he was 34. He said he was vaccinated twice, and he still got measles twice in his life. Once when he was little and then again at 34. Both times he said he was terribly sick I didn't know ppl had to vaccinate against it so many times! I'm thinking I'll get mine done again just incase!

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I'm glad I posted this thread. At first it was just the simple question of when to have it done, but since putting it up and getting so much insight, I've had so much time to think about the health of my baby and myself as well! Then the latest outbreak of measles here made me rethink everything, not just for my baby but for me and my boyfriend as well! I think I'm going to make sure we are all updated with our vaccines. The flu vaccine seems to be working. My boyfriend never washes his hands lol, so he usually got some nasty cold/flu bug every month. Since the vac, he's been totally fine for 3 months now (he got it to protect our son from catching something from him). I don't tend to catch the flu for some reason, unless someone else has it at my home. I am ocd about washing my hands in public, and even hold my breath around ppl who sneeze! It keeps me safe, but once the virus is in the walls of my home I usually catch it. So us both getting our flu vacs has actually worked so far.

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Your boyfriend MUST wash his hands regularly if he is near his child or touching his child. I don't care if that's not his typical practice -my husband washes his hands much more often than he used to because of our child (and if he has to he uses sanitizer). I do too - I always was a regular hand washer, I just do it more often now. Your child will be more vulnerable to infections because of his age and also right after the vaccinations.

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I was just checking my son's vaccines he got, and it does say he got a measles vaccine. It says Rubeola virus, which is measles. Yeah I am always telling my boyfriend to wash his hands. I just mean he doesn't usually, but I always tell him to.


Then what I would do is say -fine, then please do not touch the baby or prepare food until you choose to. It can be dangerous around an infant and you don't need to get sick either.

From what I understand the child cannot get the MMR until one year of age (and then there is a schedule of shots after that age) . That is why infants are so at risk for measles.

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It says he got it for rotavirus and also Rubeola virus. Now I'm wondering if they made a mistake on his form.... I'm going to talk to them tuesday after family day. This is rather confusing. Maybe I am reading it wrong. I'm going to ask what vaccines he got specifically, and which ones are going to happen when he's 4 months. The form I got is rather confusing, it's just a big jumble of different vaccines and dates, but it doesn't specifically say which he's got and which he hasn't, like isn't really clear cut. Yikes! Got to sort this out.

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