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Caught something not sure who gave it to me or how to go about dealing


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A few weeks ago i posted how i cheated on someone who i was seeing for about 3 months. I was very worried that I would have gotten something or got the girl pregnant. I wasn't sure how to go about telling my current partner this situation but, it didn't matter because she claimed she had missed her pill and we ended up using condoms for since then. This is after she came back from south america (the time when i slept with someone else).


Following this period we were fighting more often and eventually we went back to having unprotected sex. Again I saw this other girl once more. Finally, i decided to end things last tuesday and saw this other girl on Friday night. Sunday morning, I wake up and realize that i caught something (easily treatable and minor but something non the less, god knows what else the f*** i got).


Right after i saw the other girl for the first time, i got tested by my doctor a week following. I am going to hear the results on monday and proceed to try to treat this situation. Both girls claim that they haven't slept with anyone but me, in a while (the ex claims 2 years, the new girl a couple of months). This is so embarrassing, i don't even know where to start. I tried calling them today to tell them but neither picked up (i called the ex from a private number).


Is it possible that my ex cheated on me and gave me something and now this new girl has it, or vice versa? Either way, this new girl knows all my friends and is closely linked with one of my closer friends ex girlfriend. I feel like everyone is going to know if she caught something. I would probably feel better if she gave it to me, because then i wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment and accusation of all my friends knowing i gave her something.


This f***ing sucks. Where do i go from here?

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oh dela what a nightmare .... and so easily done isn't it leaving nothing but a trail of disaster ..look mate all you can do if find out exactly what you have ..tell both girls ..it is then their responsibility to sort themselves out ..and take it on the chin as far as the gossip goes ... you will probably never know where it came from cos I doubt either are going to confess ...

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The South America angle is not looking good....


Yeah, we fought before she left so who knows went down. I spoke to the other girl today and she seemed reasonable and just asked for my symptoms. I told her i would inform her when i got my results. She was also seeing someone recently so maybe a few months isn't a fair depiction.


It just seems like there is a lot of blame to go around from every angle but the reality is that none of this would have happened if either of us used protection. I fear for my life in calling the ex and just letting her deal with the situation on her own; i don't feel like i owe her anything, but then again if she sleeps with someone else, i guess its on me.


I am also praying that this is just a UTI, but i never got that before and i would have to wait 3 months until an HIV test anyways. I got a rapid one and was clean for that, so i guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm going to bite the bullet and call the ex now.

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