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has anybody had the experience of their ex coming back after they claimed they have moved on? I talked to my ex who said she decided to move on and now has been dating a new guy for 3 months. we were together for a year and a half and talked about marriage etc. we were in love but had our issues so we broke up. she jumped into a new relationship less than a month after the break up and right now is still dating this guy. I wonder if she is just in a honeymoon phase and thinks she's over me or if one day she may want to try again. any advice helps.

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basically i'm wondering what causes a girl to think they are over someone but then I hear/see all these stories that after time apart they return out of nowhere! is it possible for a girl to "decide to move on" but still love the person they left behind? I just want to know somehow someway some day I may get another chance to do things right

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Just move on and go no contact. Its the only option. Who knows what the future brings. But there is nothing to do right now except to move on from her as she did from you.


And people just don't roll out of bed one morning and "decide" to move on. She was most likely thinking about breaking up with you for a long long time before she finally did. So yes, after the breakup, it is very possible for her to move on quickly. Because she already did in her mind way before she actually did it.

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Best advice I ever got was to move on, live your life as if they will never come back, and let the future take care of itself.


No one can predict what another human being will do. I'm sure if you look long enough you'll find someone who'll give you an example of an ex who came back after saying they'd moved on

Anything is possible. But it's not likely.


It's not healthy living your life waiting for something that may never happen. My ex married her so called rebound and they are still happily married years later.


So move on with your life. There's nothing else to do.

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It doesn't matter. Your focus should be on you and not her. She has made her choice and has to live with that decision.


You waiting around and checking up on her won't change the fact that she is trying to move on with her life.


Yes things didn't work out between you two but why should you allow that to keep you down and prevent you from living your life.


It hurts of cause it does, your in pain so you might as well get some reward from it. The sooner you stop talking, viewing, focusing your mind on her the sooner you will heal.


Whether she comes back or not is out of your control, what your in control of is you and that's it.


This isn't the end of you and you will be stronger because of it. You can either let your situation keep you down or you say say I'm better than this, set goals and keep living your life.


See in life we all get knocked down but it's not how much you fall it's how many times your wiling to get back up and never give in.


Good luck go NC and see the control it hands back to you. Your in control of your life not her or anyone else.

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My wife and I got married in 1994 and will celebrate our 15 year anniversary this coming year. So, yes, we got divorced and got back together. It can hapen, but it's not always easy. During our time apart, we rarely contacted each other (no kids then) and I personally dated more after the first marriage than before. So, basically, I moved on. Life in that case had other ideas. I suspect my story is rare and I don't mean to give you false hope. As I said, I dated more after the first marriage than before. I didn't sit around wondering if she would come back or trying to decipher hidden meaning on social media of the time such as ICQ or mIRC.


Life your life. What will happen will happen.

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Every situation is different.


My ex dove right into a relationship right as and after we were breaking up last NYE. She admitted it was a mistake and that she does not want us to be apart again and that she freaked out. She recently came back into my life after a year, and there is some awkwardness and some mental stuff that is needed to get over, but it was like she never left. So the answer is yes, it CAN happen. Does it all the time...no.

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