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My boyfriend and I have a great relationship. We've been together for over a year now, and have only had one serious issue that was quickly resolved. I trust him 100%, we don't argue, we get along and laugh all the time. Ect.


But there's always a nagging thought in the back of my mind. You see, we're both young. I'm almost 21, and he's 19. I sometimes worry, we'll grow apart. Or, he'll get the urge to experience his youth single. Or whatever. I'm only the third girl he's slept with, I just worry eventually, years from now, he'll get restless and we'll break up.


I guess I just know, statistically, the odds are against us. How can I put these thoughts to rest?

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The past does not change, you can not predict the future. So the only moment you have is this moment in time . If you are happy in this moment in time , then be happy!


Not everyone wants to play the field . I was my husband's second gf and the second girl he had sex with. He met me when he just barely turned 20. We are still together.

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Why worry about things you cannot predict nor control? Enjoy your life and enjoy the good you have with your BF. Don't dwell on what could or could not happen. Foster a healthy relationship now, so that you have a good chance of a future together later. Worrying that your relationship could be doomed will only impact your relationship negatively. You'll take every hiccup as a "sign" it's not meant to be and could potentially drive your BF away. If he's happy and you're happy, then what's the problem? You know how many people would kill to have a relationship like that? Some people have to deal with infidelity, emotional abuse, possessiveness/jealousy, addiction, and other drama! Don't make a mountain out of a molehill! Live, be happy, learn and hope for the best.

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I met my husband at the age of 18, dated when I was 19, and married recently, a month away from my 30th birthday. Every relationship encounters many hardships and we were no exception. We broke up for one year because there were problems with him getting his S together in college and I was graduating. I told him that I couldn't wait and that I was going to move on-- we rekindled when we dated a couple people and were not happy as we were when we were dating. He also finally figured out his plan in life and was a few months away from finishing school. I decided to take a huge leap of faith by dumping my current bf and go back to my ex-- definitely was one of the best decision I have made.


Now back to the OP: Nobody has a crystal ball to tell you how your future relationship will turn out. My husband and I are different people compared to you and your boyfriend, so we may not share the same love experience. So my advice to you is this: It is entirely up to you all to pour effort into it-- nobody can do it for you guys. If it is meant to be, things will happen. Just have fun with the relationship and give it opportunity to develop. You both should be growing into it.

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