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Silence means no, right?


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If you tell someone that you had a crush on him and he did not respond..


I waited for 7 days. I am not quite sure how long the game asked us to wait..


That means he has no shred of anything towards me, right?


I can't read shy guys but I don't want to make excuses. I'm a woman.


It took me a lot of practise to say that I have a crush on him. I even asked another guy out so that I could muster that courage to eventually ask tell him that I had a crush on him. Didn't have the guts to ask him out though.


In the end, he did not respond.


The old adage "if he likes you, he will ask you out" rings true, eh?

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If there was interest on his part, I would expect him to have responded by now. You couldn't have made it any easier for him since you put yourself out there and made it known to him that you're into him. The ball was in his court to respond and in a timely fashion. That said, I do agree that if a guy is into you, he'll respond...and sooner rather than later.

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And also OP, if only as a courtesy, he could have least provided you with some sort of response so you know where you stand with him, even if he just considers you two friends, etc.


At least this is what I would have done, if someone put themselves out there like you did.


I wish I could tell you what you want to hear...

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Yep, that's exactly what it means. Also he's gone silent so he doesn't have to be a bad guy and hurt your feelings further. Just leave him alone and move on. This one didn't work out, but don't get discouraged. The next one could just as easily return the feelings. And yes, there will be a next one.


At least you had the courage to ask, give yourself a high-five for that. I know rejection hurts, but the guys go through it a whole lot more sometimes than the girls do and yet it doesn't slow most people down from trying again. I say find someone else and try again.

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Is this someone with whom you'll need to have regular contact, such as on the job or a shared social circle? If so, I'd be careful about beating myself up for this. I'd do whatever mental gymnastics necessary to make this easier, such as deciding that he's just too shy and stunned by my fabulousness to know how to react--so I'll leave him alone to figure that out.


If you can pull off the idea that he may just have something else brewing somewhere and hasn't nixed you so as to keep options possible with you in the future, then any given contact with him going forward would be a lot less awkward for you.


I try to avoid assumptions about these things, not because I can't deal with reality, but because perception trumps all else when it comes to the ego and my emotional musculature. Why go for a downer that's of no use to me, when I can throw a glamour on something that causes no harm and enables me to keep building the strength to keep stretching?


We do get to pick how we use our experiences, you know. Don't use this one to go smaller--be proud.


Head high.

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