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if anyone out there is really struggling I cannot recommend yoga enough!!

When the instructed came around the room asking each person if they had any injuries and what level they were at. I told her "I've never done it before so I'm a total beginner. The only injury I have is a broken heart" she didn't laugh she didn't judge she just said "any and every path brings you to yoga and it can really help" and wow it really did. First class ever and I'm hooked. The knots have gone my heart feels warm and I feel at peace it's my thoughts, emotions and body.

Yes I'm sure there will be blips but I'm going to keep going back!!

To all the broken hearts out there sign yourself up!!


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A friend of mine ended her engagement some years ago (he ended it) -on what would have been her wedding day I took her to brunch and then for her first yoga class - I just knew it was the thing for her to do. She had a great time (only downside was the silverware at brunch was the pattern she had registered for for her wedding -oops). (She is now happily married to someone else!).

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Yoga, especially yin/restorative yoga styles that focus deep stretching and release in the tight parts of the body (hips, shoulders) really also help to unlock not only your joints but also your emotions. People often don't realize that they are holding tension in the body, and that tension is directly linked to negative emotions and anxiety. When you release the physical tension, you release the emotional tension also. It can be a powerful experience. Kudos to you for trying it out, and I hope that you make a permanent place for yoga in your life

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I can't explain the benefit!! Last night I felt like I was as good as unheartbroken etc....

Today sadly I'm feeling miz about the situation again, BUT my skin is glowing, my posture feels and IS better (which affects mood!!) and I just feel excited about the new journey I'm taking with yoga!! Not only is it a great physical work out releasing all sorts of benefits to the body and brain but also the emotions and healing, it feels like 'YES this situation sucks, BUT I'm being good to myself and my body and brain is reacting to that' - Positivity breeds positivity........and again, YES this is still early days for me so I'm going to get knocks and things and sadly part of me does still hope he comes back, BUT if he doesn't then someone (IF I wanted someone else and wanted to start looking, which I don't) will feel the benefit of an even better me.................... MY EXES LOSS!! AND... if I never want to find someone else (which I feel at the moment) then I'm happy with my new passion. I know it was only one class, but this feels like a door has just opened to me like some people may look at religion. I cannot recommend it enough!!

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Thank you Limiya!!

@Invisibleheart - I cannot recommend it enough... and the slightly annoying thing, though better late than never I guess, but I, like you had been thinking about, and talking about starting yoga and wanting to start the style of dance I've also started a course in for years, and throughout the relationship with my now 'ex'.... and whilst this ISN'T for him, there is a part of me that kicks myself for having NOT done it sooner as I can't begin to describe the benefits. Without meaning to sound pushing... but just as a gentle nudge, whatever it is that's holding you back, time/money whatever, just DO IT!! Honestly!! I can barely afford to live, but I know I'm now always going to make time in my life for yoga. And whilst it's so great I've found it now to help with this, a small part of me does kick myself that I didn't get in to it sooner, as it would have really chilled me out... and MAYBE that was a factor in why me 'ex' finished it (I don't know, because he's not told me!?) BUT anyway - the point is it's such an amazing thing, make time - you'll reap the benefits after the first class, even if you don't feel it affect you as much as I do. It's chilled, uplifting, motivating, gratifying, uplifting, healing, calming!! Just brilliant!!

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@DaisyHope I can totally feel your enthusiasm, and yes, not only finances that holds me back but mainly there's not much yoga classes around our places. But I saw one over but am not sure as to how well trained the facility is, anyway I'll definitely check it out and inquire about it.


I can relate to part where you said about being chilled that maybe it was a factor why your ex finished it, he ended ours to without explaining why or reason behind it, just plain end it.

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