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How to deal with him contacting me after 2 months?

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Net net this guy I was dating for five months turned out to want different things than I did. So I cut off all communication even though it really hurt me because I really was starting to like him.


Anyway I'm doing much better emotionally but miss him from time to time. Out of the blue two weeks ago he text me "happy Friday". I didn't respond because I had a roller coaster of emotions. I was pissed it was so casual, happy to hear from him and partly feeling that he didn't deserve a response. To stop myself I deleted the text and all things related to him in my phone that I even forgot existed.


This week he text me again saying "happy Tuesday". I have yet to respond because I don't know if it's a trap or what. How would you deal with this? Should I not respond? I do miss him and unfortunately think about him all the time but not knowing why he is texting is making me a bit nervous.

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Could be a number of things: boredom, just got shot down by some other girl and needs an ego boost, has decided he can use your feelings for him to his advantage, likes you enough to want to keep you on a string, wants to see if you still have feelings and will respond if he needs that loan/sex/ego stroke etc. etc. Who knows really, but what you do know is you didn't get a text saying, "I have handle X, Y and Z and am now in a position to want the same things you want. Can we try again?


That's the text you didn't get. Also two-word texts like that are so lame I'm afraid I'd have blocked him for being an idiot. Come on, really--you don't want the same things, he knows very well why you broke it off, he knows he can't provide what you need, and he has the nerve to text Happy (day of the week)?

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