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What if a man tries to get in your car?


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You Canadians always being nice, LOL, I think it's funny you were surprised, but it's okay. It's just one of those weird cultural differences. I remember going to the UK for the first time and I was like "OMG even the police don't have guns here!"

When an officer pulls you over in the US, he is trained to approach your car with his hand on his gun. Even if he pulled you over for speeding (yeah I used to do that). If that doesn't make you feel a little intimidated, I don't know what will. I've been pulled over a couple times in my life for speeding, and it always makes me feel kind of bad when he approaches my car with his hand on his gun. I know it's protocol but still.


Which brings me to my next Dating-In-The-US tip.....if you approach a guy's car, take a quick glance at the center console, the space between the door and the seat, and near the floor of the driver's seat, if you can. I always try to give a quick glance, heck, even if I am not dating, I take glance if I can without being rude. That's usually where someone will keep a handgun if they have it and are driving around with it. Just something to keep in mind.

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The other thing that is important to know is that for every rape that is reported, one is not. And letting a stranger in your car if you are a woman is extremely dangerous. Most people will not get killed, but estimates are that 1-2% of women will get raped in their lifetime (that is the reported number). And if you are not raped, robbery is even more common.


So you take your chances.

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