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Preconceived Notions + Meeting people


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So this is my story,


Male - 26 - never had a girlfriend, female friend, kiss, maybe 1 or 2 hugs per 10 years.. hell, I don't have a single photo of me pictured with a women, short (168 cm), overweight - 83KG but working on it.


I have some "good" qualities I suppose.. own my own car, work full time, degree and advanced diploma, working full time, independent blah.


A few months ago, I was joking with an asian work colleague that I should try and find an asian girlfriend, as, unlike Aussie women, don't really focus on the looks on a guy (unfortunately I don't have good looks), however he told me not to bother as I don't have enough money for an asian girl.


Now, people can sit here and say "not everyone is like that", but I see a lot of asian women with their gucci, prada handbags, and I'm like "damn, he is right, no way I can afford that.. LOL".


What to do, I have tried new things to meet women here, but they all seem to have boy friends. I have been to a couple of meet up groups (bars) but its about 90 percent men and 10 percent women, and each has like 10 guys vying for her attention.


Tinder = no matches

Online dating = No response.. or like the last couple of women i met, they just block and delete me after the first/second date.. what the?? Why not tell me and I will be LESS offended.


People keep telling me to get out there, and try new things, which I am, but I have never been good at group sports (prefer to jog or ride alone). I admit, I am quite a loner and its hard to want to do something.. but they are like "bring your friends".. .yeah.. I don't exactly have any don't I..


Sometimes I just want to fly fly away and forget it all.

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I don't know about Australia, but here in America I am often quite surprised at how almost anyone can find love. Maybe you should move to America! Guarantee with that accent you'll be picking up chicks left and right. It sounds like you're doing everything you can, so that rather drastic suggestion is all I've got for ya.


Are there women in your career or academic field? That's the only area you didn't mention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Joffie,


I'm 24 and also in Australia. I just got out of a relationship with a guy who was an idiot and drank way too much. There are so many guys in our age group who are complete idiots and just want to party and make terrible partners (huge overgeneralization I know, but there are plenty of guys in their 20's like this!). It's unfair for the guys like you who seem serious, nice, have a good job, degree etc. Trust me when I say there are plenty of girls looking for a guy like you. You are still young. I have friends who didn't get into their first relationships until they were 26. You sound like you might be an introvert, which of course makes it harder to meet people. Don't give up hope and keep up with the internet dating. Are you a member of a gym? I hate group sports but I enjoy going to the gym and trying new classes or working out alone. Whatever your interests are follow them and you will be more likely to meet like minded people

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