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Ex getting her friends to play mind games ?

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Broke up a year ago, both 23, she left me, she is hostile and spreads lies ect. Haven't spoken for months.

So two nights ago I attended a party with my gf and ran into my ex's best friend. She asked if I have been talking to my ex which I said "no, I try to be nice but she ignores me" in which she responded "oh I thought you guys were good friends, she loves you" What I find weird is my ex and her friends harass, abuse and intimidate myself and my friends (girls) whenever they see me. Is my ex's friend trying to be a smartass or make me feel bad ? she knows my ex is hostile (their nickname for me is f***face)


When my ex's friend found out the girl I was with was my gf after I told her and straight away she says " (ex) has a bf too". All night this friend looked at me, smiled, hugged me and acted extremely friendly.


What is going on ? are they just trying to get a reaction ? ps: my gf was not present when all this was said.

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Why would you even surround and associate with fake people like that. Seriously, do you enjoy putting up with this nonsense? Just cut them all out and dont be around them. You were at a party and the ex's best friend was there...fine, i'm assuming she came up to you and said hello, you just say hello back and carry on, walk away.... so she stops you then asks you if you talked to your ex, you should've said "i'd rather not talk about that" and then walk away again! It may seem rude but if you think about it, they're hostile to you...so you dont owe them squat and certainly dont owe them the politeness and respect you normally owe even to strangers. So walking away from those type of people is perfectly fine. Just ignore them in the future and stay away from them, that's the best way.

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If you want to turn into a paranoid conspiracy theorist, you can do that. I'd rather take the pleasantness at face value, be kind myself, and enjoy the peace at public gatherings.


Really--if you're addicted to drama, you can always create more of that with your own mind. Otherwise, you can behave like a civil adult to perceived enemies and enjoy the absence of drama this brings.


Head high.

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