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I'm a novice player.

I have a little problem with a girl I love. She has a boyfriend. The girl and

me are both 18 years old, the boyfriend is 23. I don't know the guy.

The girl and me are on very good terms as friends. We always have a good time.

She is very kind and neat to me. It's likely that she and her boyfriend will

have a hard time if they want to be together (The girl will be moving to another

city /to the same university as I will go to/ after a month or so).

My question: if she found me more interesting to be with, is it's likely to

happen, that she breaks her relationship with that guy for me? Or girls prefer

to keep long-term, established relationships going and don't break them for a

new guy? So should I wait until they break up (will they?) or should I move on

right now? /I don't want to let she go./





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im just a novice, but if i were you, i would consistently stay on her side with trying to impress her. but be SUBTLE. you dont want to stick out as a retard who needs attention. just be there so she always knows youre there. try to get to know her bf through her. eventually if they have a fight, she will go to you because you are close. now dont act like you dont want them to get back together, but play it cool and hope for the best.


you sort of have some options:


1. play it cool and wait til they fight, then let your thang roll

2. get to know the bf and take advantage of his weakness, drop hints to her what you can do that he cant or whatever

3. tell her exactly how you feel and hopefully seek the benefits, however i wouldnt wait too long because every day you wait their "long term" relationship gets even longer

4. stay out of their business and find someone else that will slowly possibly make her jealous


does this help???

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thats horrible! if she has a boyfriend, STAY OUT. be her friend, but nothing more. if it will be, it will happen in time. think about it this way. would you want someone following those suggestions to get YOUR girl. absolutely not!

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Thanks for your replies.

cardinal513: I was thinking on a similar approach you adviced me. Thanks.

magpie: You're right, but this girl is especially important to me.


BTW if you want to read a lot I can describe it with more details:


Actually there is a very confusing thing around her. She's perhaps giving me

signals or I might misinterpret her moves. Here are some details:

She said that she has that relationship with the other guy for a few months and

she is at his place every morning.

We attended the same high school class for years, but somehow I didn't notice her

as a woman /that's another story/. Then one day (two weeks before) she came to me

to chat a bit, but once, when she went away she returned again to talk. Her acts

indicated me that she was very eager on talking to me.

Another thing: when I went to her flat to borrow and hardcopy some exam texts, she

invited me into her room twice in the some afternoon and had a chat for more than

2 hours. She received my complaints very well, kept the chat alive, laughed all

the time, gave me facekisses and then take me home with her car (on the way to

the post office).


Keeping in mind, that she spends a lot of time with his boyfriend, I can suppose

only three things:

1. I misinterpret her moves and she consider me a friend,

2. she wants to break up with his boyfriend,

3. she has less brain than a bookshelf

I know she wouldn't fool me, I know her enough to say this.


What do you think? Thanks.

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