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So I've been trying to get a job. No hits. No one calling for interviews.


Turns out my best friends little sister has worked at this fast food joint for a long time, they love her there, she's helped a couple of her friends get jobs there, she'd help me. Blah blah blah.


Here's this issue. I'm paranoid my boyfriend finds this girl attractive. (Heck he probably does she is gorgeous - but rationally I know that doesn't mean I have to be worried) she's pretty young. Like 4 years younger than me and 3 years younger than my boyfriend.


We were at my best friends wedding last week - and he was friendly with said sister. Nothing inappropriate - but they were laughing and making jokes about how they both hate coconut - or something. At one point he leaned his elbow on her head for a second in a jokey way (she's short he's tall).


My rational brain knows he probably sees her as a little sister type figure (he's known my best friend and her family nearly as long as I have) and if he did have any urge to hook up / date whatever it would've happened already. (He's never been the one to struggle to get dates, to put it lightly. He's very attractive and sweet.) my rational brain knows he was just having fun with her in a totally platonic way.


My paranoid - has been cheated on - jealous brain went haywire. "What if he likes her" "her boobs are bigger than mine and she's barely 16! He loves big boobs!" "I don't wanna work with her - that means he'll see her more! What if that makes him fall for her?!" "He's leaning his elbow on her?? He used to do that same stuff with me when we were 'just friends'!!!!" You get the idea....


I feel like such a moron. I've been sitting here procrastinating filling out this job application because I'm jealous of a kid and worried my boyfriend likes her/wants her. ?! And then I'm thinking long term about how if I do get a job there what if it leads to a messy situation with me/him/her?!?!! is wrong with me.

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Someone reminded me of that phrase "the farthest distance is between the head and the heart." I, like you, can often times understand things rationally, but my emotions get the best of me. I think it's sometimes difficult to control our feelings. But if you need a job, then you need to apply to this one. You can't let fear of losing your man to a younger girl stop you from working.

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Well, if he's that easily taken away... do you really want him?


You working with her won't be what leads him to cheating. That will be on him, if it were to happen.


You need a job. Go get that job!


This is very true, and exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you!

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Someone reminded me of that phrase "the farthest distance is between the head and the heart." I, like you, can often times understand things rationally, but my emotions get the best of me. I think it's sometimes difficult to control our feelings. But if you need a job, then you need to apply to this one. You can't let fear of losing your man to a younger girl stop you from working.


Exactly. It's like my brain knows what's the truth and most logical and most likely - but my emotions go crazy despite all that.

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Well, if he's willing to go after someone who's jail bait and risk the legal implications of getting involved with a girl who's barely 16, because her boobs are bigger then you don't want to be with that kind of a guy in the first place. Trust me on that one. If it bothers you ask him about it, but I'd take the job since there will always be plenty of men around but a job and job experience is a whole lot harder to get these days. And if you see him hitting on her then you can tell him you aren't into guys that are pervs and break up with him.


And just for the record he may very well view her as nothing more than a little kid and be grossed out that you even think something could happen between them. I think it's a non-issue at best and a lesson in your BFs character at worst should the very absolute unthinkable happen.

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