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Tips to prevent/heal sore muscles after a workout

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Hi all,


I went to a spin-class last week (first time) and wrecked my legs. I could barely walk for 2-3 days after. Its been 7 days and I'm ok now (though I still feel Charley-horse like burn in my thighs when I stretch them deeply).


I really hurt my muscles, I have never felt that sore before and didn't really know what to do about it. A friend told me that heat would help, so I went to the sauna but felt even worse after. Then I tried epsom salt bathes because they say that helps sore muscles, but I felt sorer after that. I wasn't sure if I should try and do some yoga or stretching so I didn't do anything for several days because I was afraid I would hurt myself even more.


I want to go to another spin class tomorrow night, I suspect it will not be as bad for me the second time, but I anticipate sore muscles again.


I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips or best practices for preventing sore muscles, or soothing them after a work-out.


I think heat may be a no-no (?), But what about stretching? Would that cause more soreness/damage?

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1. Do a complete cool-down (including stretching). Perhaps go for a 15 minute walk even after the cool-down in class.


2. Take an ice bath after. Fill your bathtub with cold water and throw a bag (or two) of ice in there. Sit in in for ~20 minutes.


3. Do light exercise the day after, even if you are sore. This would be going for a walk or doing yoga or going on a slooooow, easy bike ride. And then after you do this, you can stretch. Don't push the stretching too hard. Just focus on holding the stretch for a while (as opposed to doing a stretch you can only hold for a few seconds).

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Right after a tough workout if you feel sore already go for the ice.


After a couple days if you're still sore that when you want heat. A heating pad can help followed by a nice stretching session or if you have one a foam roller. My favorite is a nice soak in an Epsom salt bath (2-3 days after a tough workout). I think there's magnesium in that as well. So it's interesting to me that magnesium supplements might help also. I sometime take those to help regulate my water weight which is high when my muscles are sore so it makes sense.

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Heat can be helpful for tight muscles, but not post-exercise soreness.


If you haven't been active like that in a while you're gunna be sore. There are a few things you can to limit it though.


1. Keep hydrated. This is where I think the sauna killed you.


2. Some light stretches.


3. Proper cool down.


4. Contrast baths (cold shower for 20 seconds, hot for 10 seconds). Or just cold water immersion.


5. Massage or foam rolling.


6. A nice post-exercise recovery snack

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Unless you pulled a muscle; muscle pain after a workout is usually due to micro tears in the muscle (which is good). There really is no way for you to lessen the pain or speed up recovery. Your normal amount of protein intake should be enough for it to repair itself quickly enough. The pain will get less intense and last for a shorter period when you implement a regular routine. The most important thing right now is to let it heal fully before you work out that muscle again.

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Thanks everyone, wow so many great responses!


Ya the sauna killed me, I sweated buckets in the spin class and then sweated some more in the sauna. I didn't have enough water in me.


I also think that the heat of the sauna shortly after the class was a bad idea, should have put ice instead--that never even occurred to me.


The most important thing right now is to let it heal fully before you work out that muscle again.


So I still feel tightness/burn in my thighs when I stretch them, so should I avoid the spin class until that goes away, or maybe I should do some yoga before the class?


I definitely want to continue going to spin classes, it was loads of fun, and I like that it it's a good combo of cardio and muscle building, we did exercises that worked our whole bodies while pedaling--core, arms, shoulders, back, it was really cool!


I think I got a bit overzealous though and should have taken it a bit easier during the class, should have pedaled a bit more slowly, kept the gears a bit lower and not have risen out of the saddle as often. I work my legs out a lot and figured they were strong enough to handle the class, but I guess not! Next time I will take I easier.

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Generally during resistance training we would give it at least a week after the pain you describe. You can definitely go again while still in pain however from a workout standpoint it is like picking at a scab. You will achieve minimal gains if any. When the pain subsides to the point where you can get into a squat position without your muscle shaking involuntarily you should be good to go.


In my opinion you had an excellent workout, the first time is always the worst but that pain is your badge of honor.

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Generally during resistance training we would give it at least a week after the pain you describe. You can definitely go again while still in pain however from a workout standpoint it is like picking at a scab. You will achieve minimal gains if any. When the pain subsides to the point where you can get into a squat position without your muscle shaking involuntarily you should be good to go.


In my opinion you had an excellent workout, the first time is always the worst but that pain is your badge of honor.


Hmmm, ok, I think I will be ok to go tomorrow, while I felt some tightness in my thighs today when I did garland pose, it wasn't painful and I didn't shake, it was just a bit uncomfortable.


Ya, apparently the first spin class is brutal, the instructor was keen to know how I was feeling after the class and said the first class was always tough.


It's crazy, I have never felt so much pain in my thighs from a workout! Not even from horseback-riding without stirrups! lol

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Hmmm, ok, I think I will be ok to go tomorrow, while I felt some tightness in my thighs today when I did garland pose, it wasn't painful and I didn't shake, it was just a bit uncomfortable.


Ya, apparently the first spin class is brutal, the instructor was keen to know how I was feeling after the class and said the first class was always tough.


It's crazy, I have never felt so much pain in my thighs from a workout! Not even from horseback-riding without stirrups! lol


If its been I week, and you're not have sharp pains like a pulled or strained muscles then I think you should be fine to go again.


Spin classes are great, but one issue I have with them is many instructors really push the participants, which is fine if you are already fit. But generally it is good to allow first timers like yourself a bit time adapt physiologically by easing the participant into it. But this is very hard in group settings.


That being said, the first time is always the hardest, your body will become more efficient and you will get more wise about all the little tricks

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Yep, I wrecked my legs again yesterday!


It's not as bad this time at all though, I did the cold bath afterwards, and ate a dinner that was protein heavy. I did some light stretching this morning, but I just spent the last 7 hours on my feet so I'm pretty sore right now.

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